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ElastiCache |
AddTagsToResourceMessage | Represents the input of an AddTagsToResource operation. |
AllowedNodeTypeModificationsMessage | Represents the allowed node types you can use to modify your cluster or replication group. |
Authentication | Indicates whether the user requires a password to authenticate. |
AuthenticationMode | Specifies the authentication mode to use. |
AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressMessage | Represents the input of an AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngress operation. |
AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult | |
AvailabilityZone | Describes an Availability Zone in which the cluster is launched. |
BatchApplyUpdateActionMessage | |
BatchStopUpdateActionMessage | |
CacheCluster | Contains all of the attributes of a specific cluster. |
CacheClusterMessage | Represents the output of a |
CacheEngineVersion | Provides all of the details about a particular cache engine version. |
CacheEngineVersionMessage | Represents the output of a "DescribeCacheEngineVersions" operation. |
CacheNode | Represents an individual cache node within a cluster. Each cache node runs its own instance of the cluster's protocol-compliant caching software - either Memcached or Redis. |
CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter | A parameter that has a different value for each cache node type it is applied to.
For example, in a Redis cluster, a |
CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue | A value that applies only to a certain cache node type. |
CacheNodeUpdateStatus | The status of the service update on the cache node |
CacheParameterGroup | Represents the output of a |
CacheParameterGroupDetails | Represents the output of a |
CacheParameterGroupNameMessage | Represents the output of one of the following operations: |
CacheParameterGroupsMessage | Represents the output of a |
CacheParameterGroupStatus | Status of the cache parameter group. |
CacheSecurityGroup | Represents the output of one of the following operations: |
CacheSecurityGroupMembership | Represents a cluster's status within a particular cache security group. |
CacheSecurityGroupMessage | Represents the output of a |
CacheSubnetGroup | Represents the output of one of the following operations: |
CacheSubnetGroupMessage | Represents the output of a |
CloudWatchLogsDestinationDetails | The configuration details of the CloudWatch Logs destination. |
CompleteMigrationMessage | |
CompleteMigrationResponse | |
ConfigureShard | Node group (shard) configuration options when adding or removing replicas. Each node group (shard) configuration has the following members: NodeGroupId, NewReplicaCount, and PreferredAvailabilityZones. |
CopySnapshotMessage | Represents the input of a |
CopySnapshotResult | |
CreateCacheClusterMessage | Represents the input of a CreateCacheCluster operation. |
CreateCacheClusterResult | |
CreateCacheParameterGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
CreateCacheParameterGroupResult | |
CreateCacheSecurityGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult | |
CreateCacheSubnetGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult | |
CreateGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
CreateGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
CreateReplicationGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
CreateReplicationGroupResult | |
CreateSnapshotMessage | Represents the input of a |
CreateSnapshotResult | |
CreateUserGroupMessage | |
CreateUserMessage | |
CustomerNodeEndpoint | The endpoint from which data should be migrated. |
DecreaseNodeGroupsInGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
DecreaseNodeGroupsInGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
DecreaseReplicaCountMessage | |
DecreaseReplicaCountResult | |
DeleteCacheClusterMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteCacheClusterResult | |
DeleteCacheParameterGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteCacheSecurityGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteCacheSubnetGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
DeleteGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
DeleteReplicationGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteReplicationGroupResult | |
DeleteSnapshotMessage | Represents the input of a |
DeleteSnapshotResult | |
DeleteUserGroupMessage | |
DeleteUserMessage | |
DescribeCacheClustersMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeCacheEngineVersionsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeCacheParameterGroupsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeCacheParametersMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeCacheSecurityGroupsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeCacheSubnetGroupsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeEngineDefaultParametersMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult | |
DescribeEventsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeGlobalReplicationGroupsMessage | |
DescribeGlobalReplicationGroupsResult | |
DescribeReplicationGroupsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeReservedCacheNodesMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeReservedCacheNodesOfferingsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeServiceUpdatesMessage | |
DescribeSnapshotsListMessage | Represents the output of a |
DescribeSnapshotsMessage | Represents the input of a |
DescribeUpdateActionsMessage | |
DescribeUserGroupsMessage | |
DescribeUserGroupsResult | |
DescribeUsersMessage | |
DescribeUsersResult | |
DestinationDetails | Configuration details of either a CloudWatch Logs destination or Kinesis Data Firehose destination. |
DisassociateGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
DisassociateGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
EC2SecurityGroup | Provides ownership and status information for an Amazon EC2 security group. |
Endpoint | Represents the information required for client programs to connect to a cache node. |
EngineDefaults | Represents the output of a |
Event | Represents a single occurrence of something interesting within the system. Some examples of events are creating a cluster, adding or removing a cache node, or rebooting a node. |
EventsMessage | Represents the output of a |
FailoverGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
FailoverGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
Filter | Used to streamline results of a search based on the property being filtered. |
GlobalNodeGroup | Indicates the slot configuration and global identifier for a slice group. |
GlobalReplicationGroup | Consists of a primary cluster that accepts writes and an associated secondary cluster that resides in a different Amazon region. The secondary cluster accepts only reads. The primary cluster automatically replicates updates to the secondary cluster. |
GlobalReplicationGroupInfo | The name of the Global datastore and role of this replication group in the Global datastore. |
GlobalReplicationGroupMember | A member of a Global datastore. It contains the Replication Group Id, the Amazon region and the role of the replication group. |
IncreaseNodeGroupsInGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
IncreaseNodeGroupsInGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
IncreaseReplicaCountMessage | |
IncreaseReplicaCountResult | |
KinesisFirehoseDestinationDetails | The configuration details of the Kinesis Data Firehose destination. |
ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsMessage | The input parameters for the |
ListTagsForResourceMessage | The input parameters for the |
LogDeliveryConfiguration | Returns the destination, format and type of the logs. |
LogDeliveryConfigurationRequest | Specifies the destination, format and type of the logs. |
ModifyCacheClusterMessage | Represents the input of a |
ModifyCacheClusterResult | |
ModifyCacheParameterGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
ModifyCacheSubnetGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
ModifyCacheSubnetGroupResult | |
ModifyGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
ModifyGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
ModifyReplicationGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
ModifyReplicationGroupResult | |
ModifyReplicationGroupShardConfigurationMessage | Represents the input for a |
ModifyReplicationGroupShardConfigurationResult | |
ModifyUserGroupMessage | |
ModifyUserMessage | |
NodeGroup | Represents a collection of cache nodes in a replication group. One node in the node group is the read/write primary node. All the other nodes are read-only Replica nodes. |
NodeGroupConfiguration | Node group (shard) configuration options.
Each node group (shard) configuration has the following: |
NodeGroupMember | Represents a single node within a node group (shard). |
NodeGroupMemberUpdateStatus | The status of the service update on the node group member |
NodeGroupUpdateStatus | The status of the service update on the node group |
NodeSnapshot | Represents an individual cache node in a snapshot of a cluster. |
NotificationConfiguration | Describes a notification topic and its status. Notification topics are used for publishing ElastiCache events to subscribers using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). |
Parameter | Describes an individual setting that controls some aspect of ElastiCache behavior. |
ParameterNameValue | Describes a name-value pair that is used to update the value of a parameter. |
PendingLogDeliveryConfiguration | The log delivery configurations being modified |
PendingModifiedValues | A group of settings that are applied to the cluster in the future, or that are currently being applied. |
ProcessedUpdateAction | Update action that has been processed for the corresponding apply/stop request |
PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage | Represents the input of a |
PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOfferingResult | |
RebalanceSlotsInGlobalReplicationGroupMessage | |
RebalanceSlotsInGlobalReplicationGroupResult | |
RebootCacheClusterMessage | Represents the input of a |
RebootCacheClusterResult | |
RecurringCharge | Contains the specific price and frequency of a recurring charges for a reserved cache node, or for a reserved cache node offering. |
RegionalConfiguration | A list of the replication groups |
RemoveTagsFromResourceMessage | Represents the input of a |
ReplicationGroup | Contains all of the attributes of a specific Redis replication group. |
ReplicationGroupMessage | Represents the output of a |
ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues | The settings to be applied to the Redis replication group, either immediately or during the next maintenance window. |
ReservedCacheNode | Represents the output of a |
ReservedCacheNodeMessage | Represents the output of a |
ReservedCacheNodesOffering | Describes all of the attributes of a reserved cache node offering. |
ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage | Represents the output of a |
ResetCacheParameterGroupMessage | Represents the input of a |
ReshardingConfiguration | A list of |
ReshardingStatus | The status of an online resharding operation. |
RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressMessage | Represents the input of a |
RevokeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult | |
SecurityGroupMembership | Represents a single cache security group and its status. |
ServiceUpdate | An update that you can apply to your Redis clusters. |
ServiceUpdatesMessage | |
SlotMigration | Represents the progress of an online resharding operation. |
Snapshot | Represents a copy of an entire Redis cluster as of the time when the snapshot was taken. |
StartMigrationMessage | |
StartMigrationResponse | |
Subnet | Represents the subnet associated with a cluster. This parameter refers to subnets defined in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and used with ElastiCache. |
SubnetOutpost | The ID of the outpost subnet. |
Tag | A tag that can be added to an ElastiCache cluster or replication group. Tags are composed of a Key/Value pair. You can use tags to categorize and track all your ElastiCache resources, with the exception of global replication group. When you add or remove tags on replication groups, those actions will be replicated to all nodes in the replication group. A tag with a null Value is permitted. |
TagListMessage | Represents the output from the |
TestFailoverMessage | |
TestFailoverResult | |
TimeRangeFilter | Filters update actions from the service updates that are in available status during the time range. |
UnprocessedUpdateAction | Update action that has failed to be processed for the corresponding apply/stop request |
UpdateAction | The status of the service update for a specific replication group |
UpdateActionResultsMessage | |
UpdateActionsMessage | |
User | |
UserGroup | |
UserGroupPendingChanges | Returns the updates being applied to the user group. |
UserGroupsUpdateStatus | The status of the user group update. |