ActionSummary | Information about an action.
AgentContactReference | Information about the contact associated to the user.
AgentInfo | Information about the agent who accepted the contact.
AgentStatus | Contains information about an agent status.
AgentStatusReference | Information about the agent's status.
AgentStatusSummary | Summary information for an agent status.
AnswerMachineDetectionConfig | Configuration of the answering machine detection.
AssignContactCategoryActionDefinition | This action must be set if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable .
Contact is categorized using the rule name.
AssociateApprovedOriginRequest | |
AssociateBotRequest | |
AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest | |
AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest | |
AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResponse | |
AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest | |
AssociateLexBotRequest | |
AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest | |
AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest | |
AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest | |
AssociateSecurityKeyRequest | |
AssociateSecurityKeyResponse | |
AttachmentReference | Information about a reference when the referenceType is ATTACHMENT .
Otherwise, null.
Attribute | A toggle for an individual feature at the instance level.
AvailableNumberSummary | Information about available phone numbers.
ChatMessage | A chat message.
ChatParticipantRoleConfig | Configuration information for the chat participant role.
ChatStreamingConfiguration | The streaming configuration, such as the Amazon SNS streaming endpoint.
ClaimedPhoneNumberSummary | Information about a phone number that has been claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.
ClaimPhoneNumberRequest | |
ClaimPhoneNumberResponse | |
Contact | Contains information about a contact.
ContactFilter | Filters user data based on the contact information that is associated to the users.
It contains a list of contact states.
ContactFlow | Contains information about a flow.
ContactFlowModule | Contains information about a flow module.
ContactFlowModuleSummary | Contains summary information about a flow.
ContactFlowSummary | Contains summary information about a flow.
ControlPlaneTagFilter | An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions inside the SearchFilter .
This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:
CreateAgentStatusRequest | |
CreateAgentStatusResponse | |
CreateContactFlowModuleRequest | |
CreateContactFlowModuleResponse | |
CreateContactFlowRequest | |
CreateContactFlowResponse | |
CreateHoursOfOperationRequest | |
CreateHoursOfOperationResponse | |
CreateInstanceRequest | |
CreateInstanceResponse | |
CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest | |
CreateIntegrationAssociationResponse | |
CreateQueueRequest | |
CreateQueueResponse | |
CreateQuickConnectRequest | |
CreateQuickConnectResponse | |
CreateRoutingProfileRequest | |
CreateRoutingProfileResponse | |
CreateRuleRequest | |
CreateRuleResponse | |
CreateSecurityProfileRequest | |
CreateSecurityProfileResponse | |
CreateTaskTemplateRequest | |
CreateTaskTemplateResponse | |
CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest | |
CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse | |
CreateUseCaseRequest | |
CreateUseCaseResponse | |
CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest | |
CreateUserHierarchyGroupResponse | |
CreateUserRequest | |
CreateUserResponse | |
CreateVocabularyRequest | |
CreateVocabularyResponse | |
Credentials | Contains credentials to use for federation.
CurrentMetric | Contains information about a real-time metric.
For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
CurrentMetricData | Contains the data for a real-time metric.
CurrentMetricResult | Contains information about a set of real-time metrics.
CurrentMetricSortCriteria | The way to sort the resulting response based on metrics.
By default resources are sorted based on AGENTS_ONLINE , DESCENDING .
The metric collection is sorted based on the input metrics.
DateReference | Information about a reference when the referenceType is DATE .
Otherwise, null.
DefaultVocabulary | Contains information about a default vocabulary.
DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest | |
DeleteContactFlowRequest | |
DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest | |
DeleteInstanceRequest | |
DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest | |
DeleteQuickConnectRequest | |
DeleteRuleRequest | |
DeleteSecurityProfileRequest | |
DeleteTaskTemplateRequest | |
DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest | |
DeleteUseCaseRequest | |
DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest | |
DeleteUserRequest | |
DeleteVocabularyRequest | |
DeleteVocabularyResponse | |
DescribeAgentStatusRequest | |
DescribeAgentStatusResponse | |
DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest | |
DescribeContactFlowModuleResponse | |
DescribeContactFlowRequest | |
DescribeContactFlowResponse | |
DescribeContactRequest | |
DescribeContactResponse | |
DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest | |
DescribeHoursOfOperationResponse | |
DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest | |
DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse | |
DescribeInstanceRequest | |
DescribeInstanceResponse | |
DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest | |
DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResponse | |
DescribePhoneNumberRequest | |
DescribePhoneNumberResponse | |
DescribeQueueRequest | |
DescribeQueueResponse | |
DescribeQuickConnectRequest | |
DescribeQuickConnectResponse | |
DescribeRoutingProfileRequest | |
DescribeRoutingProfileResponse | |
DescribeRuleRequest | |
DescribeRuleResponse | |
DescribeSecurityProfileRequest | |
DescribeSecurityProfileResponse | |
DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest | |
DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResponse | |
DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest | |
DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResponse | |
DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest | |
DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResponse | |
DescribeUserRequest | |
DescribeUserResponse | |
DescribeVocabularyRequest | |
DescribeVocabularyResponse | |
Dimensions | Contains information about the dimensions for a set of metrics.
DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest | |
DisassociateBotRequest | |
DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest | |
DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest | |
DisassociateLexBotRequest | |
DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest | |
DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest | |
DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest | |
DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest | |
DismissUserContactRequest | |
Distribution | Information about a traffic distribution.
EmailReference | Information about a reference when the referenceType is EMAIL .
Otherwise, null.
EncryptionConfig | The encryption configuration.
EventBridgeActionDefinition | The EventBridge action definition.
Filters | Contains the filter to apply when retrieving metrics.
GetContactAttributesRequest | |
GetContactAttributesResponse | |
GetCurrentMetricDataRequest | |
GetCurrentMetricDataResponse | |
GetCurrentUserDataRequest | |
GetCurrentUserDataResponse | |
GetFederationTokenRequest | |
GetFederationTokenResponse | |
GetMetricDataRequest | |
GetMetricDataResponse | |
GetTaskTemplateRequest | |
GetTaskTemplateResponse | |
GetTrafficDistributionRequest | |
GetTrafficDistributionResponse | |
HierarchyGroup | Contains information about a hierarchy group.
HierarchyGroupCondition | A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a hierarchy group condition.
HierarchyGroupSummary | Contains summary information about a hierarchy group.
HierarchyGroupSummaryReference | Information about the hierarchy group.
HierarchyLevel | Contains information about a hierarchy level.
HierarchyLevelUpdate | Contains information about the hierarchy level to update.
HierarchyPath | Contains information about the levels of a hierarchy group.
HierarchyPathReference | Information about the levels in the hierarchy group.
HierarchyStructure | Contains information about a hierarchy structure.
HierarchyStructureUpdate | Contains information about the level hierarchy to update.
HistoricalMetric | Contains information about a historical metric.
For a description of each metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
HistoricalMetricData | Contains the data for a historical metric.
HistoricalMetricResult | Contains information about the historical metrics retrieved.
HoursOfOperation | Information about of the hours of operation.
HoursOfOperationConfig | Contains information about the hours of operation.
HoursOfOperationSummary | Contains summary information about hours of operation for a contact center.
HoursOfOperationTimeSlice | The start time or end time for an hours of operation.
Instance | The Amazon Connect instance.
InstanceStatusReason | Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.
InstanceStorageConfig | The storage configuration for the instance.
InstanceSummary | Information about the instance.
IntegrationAssociationSummary | Contains summary information about the associated AppIntegrations.
InvisibleFieldInfo | A field that is invisible to an agent.
KinesisFirehoseConfig | Configuration information of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
KinesisStreamConfig | Configuration information of a Kinesis data stream.
KinesisVideoStreamConfig | Configuration information of a Kinesis video stream.
LexBot | Configuration information of an Amazon Lex bot.
LexBotConfig | Configuration information of an Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
LexV2Bot | Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.
ListAgentStatusRequest | |
ListAgentStatusResponse | |
ListApprovedOriginsRequest | |
ListApprovedOriginsResponse | |
ListBotsRequest | |
ListBotsResponse | |
ListContactFlowModulesRequest | |
ListContactFlowModulesResponse | |
ListContactFlowsRequest | |
ListContactFlowsResponse | |
ListContactReferencesRequest | |
ListContactReferencesResponse | |
ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest | |
ListDefaultVocabulariesResponse | |
ListHoursOfOperationsRequest | |
ListHoursOfOperationsResponse | |
ListInstanceAttributesRequest | |
ListInstanceAttributesResponse | |
ListInstancesRequest | |
ListInstancesResponse | |
ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest | |
ListInstanceStorageConfigsResponse | |
ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest | |
ListIntegrationAssociationsResponse | |
ListLambdaFunctionsRequest | |
ListLambdaFunctionsResponse | |
ListLexBotsRequest | |
ListLexBotsResponse | |
ListPhoneNumbersRequest | |
ListPhoneNumbersResponse | |
ListPhoneNumbersSummary | Information about phone numbers that have been claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.
ListPhoneNumbersV2Request | |
ListPhoneNumbersV2Response | |
ListPromptsRequest | |
ListPromptsResponse | |
ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest | |
ListQueueQuickConnectsResponse | |
ListQueuesRequest | |
ListQueuesResponse | |
ListQuickConnectsRequest | |
ListQuickConnectsResponse | |
ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest | |
ListRoutingProfileQueuesResponse | |
ListRoutingProfilesRequest | |
ListRoutingProfilesResponse | |
ListRulesRequest | |
ListRulesResponse | |
ListSecurityKeysRequest | |
ListSecurityKeysResponse | |
ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest | |
ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResponse | |
ListSecurityProfilesRequest | |
ListSecurityProfilesResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListTaskTemplatesRequest | |
ListTaskTemplatesResponse | |
ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest | |
ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResponse | |
ListUseCasesRequest | Provides summary information about the use cases for the specified integration association.
ListUseCasesResponse | |
ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest | |
ListUserHierarchyGroupsResponse | |
ListUsersRequest | |
ListUsersResponse | |
MediaConcurrency | Contains information about which channels are supported, and how many contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.
MonitorContactRequest | |
MonitorContactResponse | |
NotificationRecipientType | The type of notification recipient.
NumberReference | Information about a reference when the referenceType is NUMBER .
Otherwise, null.
OutboundCallerConfig | The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.
ParticipantDetails | The customer's details.
ParticipantTimerConfiguration | Configuration information for the timer.
After the timer configuration is set, it persists for the duration of the chat.
It persists across new contacts in the chain, for example, transfer contacts.
ParticipantTimerValue | The value of the timer.
Either the timer action (Unset to delete the timer), or the duration of the timer in minutes.
Only one value can be set.
PersistentChat | Enable persistent chats.
For more information about enabling persistent chat, and for example use cases and how to configure for them, see Enable persistent chat.
PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig | Contains information about a phone number for a quick connect.
PhoneNumberStatus | The status of the phone number.
PhoneNumberSummary | Contains summary information about a phone number for a contact center.
PromptSummary | Contains information about the prompt.
PutUserStatusRequest | |
Queue | Contains information about a queue.
QueueInfo | If this contact was queued, this contains information about the queue.
QueueQuickConnectConfig | Contains information about a queue for a quick connect.
The flow must be of type Transfer to Queue.
QueueReference | Contains information about a queue resource for which metrics are returned.
QueueSearchCriteria | The search criteria to be used to return queues.
QueueSearchFilter | Filters to be applied to search results.
QueueSummary | Contains summary information about a queue.
QuickConnect | Contains information about a quick connect.
QuickConnectConfig | Contains configuration settings for a quick connect.
QuickConnectSummary | Contains summary information about a quick connect.
ReadOnlyFieldInfo | Indicates a field that is read-only to an agent.
Reference | Well-formed data on a contact, used by agents to complete a contact request.
You can have up to 4,096 UTF-8 bytes across all references for a contact.
ReferenceSummary | Contains summary information about a reference.
ReferenceSummary contains only one non null field between the URL and attachment based on the reference type.
ReleasePhoneNumberRequest | |
ReplicateInstanceRequest | |
ReplicateInstanceResponse | |
RequiredFieldInfo | Information about a required field.
ResumeContactRecordingRequest | |
RoutingProfile | Contains information about a routing profile.
RoutingProfileQueueConfig | Contains information about the queue and channel for which priority and delay can be set.
RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary | Contains summary information about a routing profile queue.
RoutingProfileQueueReference | Contains the channel and queue identifier for a routing profile.
RoutingProfileReference | Information about the routing profile assigned to the user.
RoutingProfileSearchCriteria | The search criteria to be used to return routing profiles.
RoutingProfileSearchFilter | Filters to be applied to search results.
RoutingProfileSummary | Contains summary information about a routing profile.
Rule | Information about a rule.
RuleAction | Information about the action to be performed when a rule is triggered.
RuleSummary | A list of ActionTypes associated with a rule.
RuleTriggerEventSource | The name of the event source.
This field is required if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnZendeskTicketCreate | OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate | OnSalesforceCaseCreate
S3Config | Information about the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage type.
SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest | |
SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse | |
SearchQueuesRequest | |
SearchQueuesResponse | |
SearchRoutingProfilesRequest | |
SearchRoutingProfilesResponse | |
SearchSecurityProfilesRequest | |
SearchSecurityProfilesResponse | |
SearchUsersRequest | |
SearchUsersResponse | |
SearchVocabulariesRequest | |
SearchVocabulariesResponse | |
SecurityKey | Configuration information of the security key.
SecurityProfile | Contains information about a security profile.
SecurityProfileSearchCriteria | The search criteria to be used to return security profiles.
SecurityProfileSearchSummary | Information about the returned security profiles.
SecurityProfilesSearchFilter | Filters to be applied to search results.
SecurityProfileSummary | Contains information about a security profile.
SendNotificationActionDefinition | Information about the send notification action.
StartChatContactRequest | |
StartChatContactResponse | |
StartContactRecordingRequest | |
StartContactStreamingRequest | |
StartContactStreamingResponse | |
StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest | |
StartOutboundVoiceContactResponse | |
StartTaskContactRequest | |
StartTaskContactResponse | |
StopContactRecordingRequest | |
StopContactRequest | |
StopContactStreamingRequest | |
StringCondition | A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.
StringReference | Information about a reference when the referenceType is STRING .
Otherwise, null.
SuspendContactRecordingRequest | |
TagCondition | A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition, for example, HAVE BPO = 123 .
TagResourceRequest | |
TaskActionDefinition | Information about the task action.
TaskTemplateConstraints | Describes constraints that apply to the template fields.
TaskTemplateDefaultFieldValue | Describes a default field and its corresponding value.
TaskTemplateDefaults | Describes default values for fields on a template.
TaskTemplateField | Describes a single task template field.
TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier | The identifier of the task template field.
TaskTemplateMetadata | Contains summary information about the task template.
TelephonyConfig | The distribution of traffic between the instance and its replicas.
Threshold | Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.
TrafficDistributionGroup | Information about a traffic distribution group.
TrafficDistributionGroupSummary | Information about traffic distribution groups.
TransferContactRequest | |
TransferContactResponse | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateAgentStatusRequest | |
UpdateContactAttributesRequest | |
UpdateContactFlowContentRequest | |
UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest | |
UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest | |
UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest | |
UpdateContactFlowNameRequest | |
UpdateContactRequest | |
UpdateContactScheduleRequest | |
UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest | |
UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest | |
UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest | |
UpdateParticipantRoleConfigChannelInfo | Configuration information for the chat participant role.
UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest | |
UpdatePhoneNumberRequest | |
UpdatePhoneNumberResponse | |
UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest | |
UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest | |
UpdateQueueNameRequest | |
UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest | |
UpdateQueueStatusRequest | |
UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest | |
UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest | |
UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest | |
UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest | |
UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest | |
UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest | |
UpdateRuleRequest | |
UpdateSecurityProfileRequest | |
UpdateTaskTemplateRequest | |
UpdateTaskTemplateResponse | |
UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest | |
UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest | |
UpdateUserHierarchyRequest | |
UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest | |
UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest | |
UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest | |
UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest | |
UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest | |
UrlReference | The URL reference.
UseCase | Contains the use case.
User | Contains information about a user account for an Amazon Connect instance.
UserData | Data for a user.
UserDataFilters | A filter for the user data.
UserIdentityInfo | Contains information about the identity of a user.
UserIdentityInfoLite | The user's first name and last name.
UserPhoneConfig | Contains information about the phone configuration settings for a user.
UserQuickConnectConfig | Contains information about the quick connect configuration settings for a user.
The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Agent.
UserReference | Information about the user.
UserSearchCriteria | The search criteria to be used to return users.
UserSearchFilter | Filters to be applied to search results.
UserSearchSummary | Information about the returned users.
UserSummary | Contains summary information about a user.
Vocabulary | Contains information about a custom vocabulary.
VocabularySummary | Contains summary information about the custom vocabulary.
VoiceRecordingConfiguration | Contains information about the recording configuration settings.
WisdomInfo | Information about Amazon Connect Wisdom.