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CodeCommit |
Approval | Returns information about a specific approval on a pull request. |
ApprovalRule | Returns information about an approval rule. |
ApprovalRuleEventMetadata | Returns information about an event for an approval rule. |
ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata | Returns information about an override event for approval rules for a pull request. |
ApprovalRuleTemplate | Returns information about an approval rule template. |
ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata | Returns information about a change in the approval state for a pull request. |
AssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoryInput | |
BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesError | Returns information about errors in a BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositories operation. |
BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesInput | |
BatchAssociateApprovalRuleTemplateWithRepositoriesOutput | |
BatchDescribeMergeConflictsError | Returns information about errors in a BatchDescribeMergeConflicts operation. |
BatchDescribeMergeConflictsInput | |
BatchDescribeMergeConflictsOutput | |
BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesError | Returns information about errors in a BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositories operation. |
BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesInput | |
BatchDisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoriesOutput | |
BatchGetCommitsError | Returns information about errors in a BatchGetCommits operation. |
BatchGetCommitsInput | |
BatchGetCommitsOutput | |
BatchGetRepositoriesInput | Represents the input of a batch get repositories operation. |
BatchGetRepositoriesOutput | Represents the output of a batch get repositories operation. |
BlobMetadata | Returns information about a specific Git blob object. |
BranchInfo | Returns information about a branch. |
Comment | Returns information about a specific comment. |
CommentsForComparedCommit | Returns information about comments on the comparison between two commits. |
CommentsForPullRequest | Returns information about comments on a pull request. |
Commit | Returns information about a specific commit. |
Conflict | Information about conflicts in a merge operation. |
ConflictMetadata | Information about the metadata for a conflict in a merge operation. |
ConflictResolution | If AUTOMERGE is the conflict resolution strategy, a list of inputs to use when resolving conflicts during a merge. |
CreateApprovalRuleTemplateInput | |
CreateApprovalRuleTemplateOutput | |
CreateBranchInput | Represents the input of a create branch operation. |
CreateCommitInput | |
CreateCommitOutput | |
CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleInput | |
CreatePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput | |
CreatePullRequestInput | |
CreatePullRequestOutput | |
CreateRepositoryInput | Represents the input of a create repository operation. |
CreateRepositoryOutput | Represents the output of a create repository operation. |
CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitInput | |
CreateUnreferencedMergeCommitOutput | |
DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateInput | |
DeleteApprovalRuleTemplateOutput | |
DeleteBranchInput | Represents the input of a delete branch operation. |
DeleteBranchOutput | Represents the output of a delete branch operation. |
DeleteCommentContentInput | |
DeleteCommentContentOutput | |
DeleteFileEntry | A file that is deleted as part of a commit. |
DeleteFileInput | |
DeleteFileOutput | |
DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleInput | |
DeletePullRequestApprovalRuleOutput | |
DeleteRepositoryInput | Represents the input of a delete repository operation. |
DeleteRepositoryOutput | Represents the output of a delete repository operation. |
DescribeMergeConflictsInput | |
DescribeMergeConflictsOutput | |
DescribePullRequestEventsInput | |
DescribePullRequestEventsOutput | |
Difference | Returns information about a set of differences for a commit specifier. |
DisassociateApprovalRuleTemplateFromRepositoryInput | |
EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesInput | |
EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRulesOutput | |
Evaluation | Returns information about the approval rules applied to a pull request and whether conditions have been met. |
File | Returns information about a file in a repository. |
FileMetadata | A file to be added, updated, or deleted as part of a commit. |
FileModes | Information about file modes in a merge or pull request. |
FileSizes | Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request. |
Folder | Returns information about a folder in a repository. |
GetApprovalRuleTemplateInput | |
GetApprovalRuleTemplateOutput | |
GetBlobInput | Represents the input of a get blob operation. |
GetBlobOutput | Represents the output of a get blob operation. |
GetBranchInput | Represents the input of a get branch operation. |
GetBranchOutput | Represents the output of a get branch operation. |
GetCommentInput | |
GetCommentOutput | |
GetCommentReactionsInput | |
GetCommentReactionsOutput | |
GetCommentsForComparedCommitInput | |
GetCommentsForComparedCommitOutput | |
GetCommentsForPullRequestInput | |
GetCommentsForPullRequestOutput | |
GetCommitInput | Represents the input of a get commit operation. |
GetCommitOutput | Represents the output of a get commit operation. |
GetDifferencesInput | |
GetDifferencesOutput | |
GetFileInput | |
GetFileOutput | |
GetFolderInput | |
GetFolderOutput | |
GetMergeCommitInput | |
GetMergeCommitOutput | |
GetMergeConflictsInput | |
GetMergeConflictsOutput | |
GetMergeOptionsInput | |
GetMergeOptionsOutput | |
GetPullRequestApprovalStatesInput | |
GetPullRequestApprovalStatesOutput | |
GetPullRequestInput | |
GetPullRequestOutput | |
GetPullRequestOverrideStateInput | |
GetPullRequestOverrideStateOutput | |
GetRepositoryInput | Represents the input of a get repository operation. |
GetRepositoryOutput | Represents the output of a get repository operation. |
GetRepositoryTriggersInput | Represents the input of a get repository triggers operation. |
GetRepositoryTriggersOutput | Represents the output of a get repository triggers operation. |
IsBinaryFile | Information about whether a file is binary or textual in a merge or pull request operation. |
ListApprovalRuleTemplatesInput | |
ListApprovalRuleTemplatesOutput | |
ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryInput | |
ListAssociatedApprovalRuleTemplatesForRepositoryOutput | |
ListBranchesInput | Represents the input of a list branches operation. |
ListBranchesOutput | Represents the output of a list branches operation. |
ListPullRequestsInput | |
ListPullRequestsOutput | |
ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateInput | |
ListRepositoriesForApprovalRuleTemplateOutput | |
ListRepositoriesInput | Represents the input of a list repositories operation. |
ListRepositoriesOutput | Represents the output of a list repositories operation. |
ListTagsForResourceInput | |
ListTagsForResourceOutput | |
Location | Returns information about the location of a change or comment in the comparison between two commits or a pull request. |
MergeBranchesByFastForwardInput | |
MergeBranchesByFastForwardOutput | |
MergeBranchesBySquashInput | |
MergeBranchesBySquashOutput | |
MergeBranchesByThreeWayInput | |
MergeBranchesByThreeWayOutput | |
MergeHunk | Information about merge hunks in a merge or pull request operation. |
MergeHunkDetail | Information about the details of a merge hunk that contains a conflict in a merge or pull request operation. |
MergeMetadata | Returns information about a merge or potential merge between a source reference and a destination reference in a pull request. |
MergeOperations | Information about the file operation conflicts in a merge operation. |
MergePullRequestByFastForwardInput | |
MergePullRequestByFastForwardOutput | |
MergePullRequestBySquashInput | |
MergePullRequestBySquashOutput | |
MergePullRequestByThreeWayInput | |
MergePullRequestByThreeWayOutput | |
ObjectTypes | Information about the type of an object in a merge operation. |
OriginApprovalRuleTemplate | Returns information about the template that created the approval rule for a pull request. |
OverridePullRequestApprovalRulesInput | |
PostCommentForComparedCommitInput | |
PostCommentForComparedCommitOutput | |
PostCommentForPullRequestInput | |
PostCommentForPullRequestOutput | |
PostCommentReplyInput | |
PostCommentReplyOutput | |
PullRequest | Returns information about a pull request. |
PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata | Metadata about the pull request that is used when comparing the pull request source with its destination. |
PullRequestEvent | Returns information about a pull request event. |
PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata | Returns information about the change in the merge state for a pull request event. |
PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata | Information about an update to the source branch of a pull request. |
PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata | Information about a change to the status of a pull request. |
PullRequestTarget | Returns information about a pull request target. |
PutCommentReactionInput | |
PutFileEntry | Information about a file added or updated as part of a commit. |
PutFileInput | |
PutFileOutput | |
PutRepositoryTriggersInput | Represents the input of a put repository triggers operation. |
PutRepositoryTriggersOutput | Represents the output of a put repository triggers operation. |
ReactionForComment | Information about the reaction values provided by users on a comment. |
ReactionValueFormats | Information about the values for reactions to a comment. AWS CodeCommit supports a limited set of reactions. |
ReplaceContentEntry | Information about a replacement content entry in the conflict of a merge or pull request operation. |
RepositoryMetadata | Information about a repository. |
RepositoryNameIdPair | Information about a repository name and ID. |
RepositoryTrigger | Information about a trigger for a repository. |
RepositoryTriggerExecutionFailure | A trigger failed to run. |
SetFileModeEntry | Information about the file mode changes. |
SourceFileSpecifier | Information about a source file that is part of changes made in a commit. |
SubModule | Returns information about a submodule reference in a repository folder. |
SymbolicLink | Returns information about a symbolic link in a repository folder. |
TagResourceInput | |
Target | Returns information about a target for a pull request. |
TestRepositoryTriggersInput | Represents the input of a test repository triggers operation. |
TestRepositoryTriggersOutput | Represents the output of a test repository triggers operation. |
UntagResourceInput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentInput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateContentOutput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionInput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateDescriptionOutput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameInput | |
UpdateApprovalRuleTemplateNameOutput | |
UpdateCommentInput | |
UpdateCommentOutput | |
UpdateDefaultBranchInput | Represents the input of an update default branch operation. |
UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentInput | |
UpdatePullRequestApprovalRuleContentOutput | |
UpdatePullRequestApprovalStateInput | |
UpdatePullRequestDescriptionInput | |
UpdatePullRequestDescriptionOutput | |
UpdatePullRequestStatusInput | |
UpdatePullRequestStatusOutput | |
UpdatePullRequestTitleInput | |
UpdatePullRequestTitleOutput | |
UpdateRepositoryDescriptionInput | Represents the input of an update repository description operation. |
UpdateRepositoryNameInput | Represents the input of an update repository description operation. |
UserInfo | Information about the user who made a specified commit. |