import * as mod from "";
BatchDeleteBuildsInput | |
BatchDeleteBuildsOutput | |
BatchGetBuildBatchesInput | |
BatchGetBuildBatchesOutput | |
BatchGetBuildsInput | |
BatchGetBuildsOutput | |
BatchGetProjectsInput | |
BatchGetProjectsOutput | |
BatchGetReportGroupsInput | |
BatchGetReportGroupsOutput | |
BatchGetReportsInput | |
BatchGetReportsOutput | |
BatchRestrictions | Specifies restrictions for the batch build. |
Build | Information about a build. |
BuildArtifacts | Information about build output artifacts. |
BuildBatch | Contains information about a batch build. |
BuildBatchFilter | Specifies filters when retrieving batch builds. |
BuildBatchPhase | Contains information about a stage for a batch build. |
BuildGroup | Contains information about a batch build build group. Build groups are used to combine builds that can run in parallel, while still being able to set dependencies on other build groups. |
BuildNotDeleted | Information about a build that could not be successfully deleted. |
BuildPhase | Information about a stage for a build. |
BuildStatusConfig | Contains information that defines how the CodeBuild build project reports the build status to the source provider. |
BuildSummary | Contains summary information about a batch build group. |
CloudWatchLogsConfig | Information about CloudWatch Logs for a build project. |
CodeCoverage | Contains code coverage report information. |
CodeCoverageReportSummary | Contains a summary of a code coverage report. |
CreateProjectInput | |
CreateProjectOutput | |
CreateReportGroupInput | |
CreateReportGroupOutput | |
CreateWebhookInput | |
CreateWebhookOutput | |
DebugSession | Contains information about the debug session for a build. For more information, see Viewing a running build in Session Manager. |
DeleteBuildBatchInput | |
DeleteBuildBatchOutput | |
DeleteProjectInput | |
DeleteReportGroupInput | |
DeleteReportInput | |
DeleteResourcePolicyInput | |
DeleteSourceCredentialsInput | |
DeleteSourceCredentialsOutput | |
DeleteWebhookInput | |
DescribeCodeCoveragesInput | |
DescribeCodeCoveragesOutput | |
DescribeTestCasesInput | |
DescribeTestCasesOutput | |
EnvironmentImage | Information about a Docker image that is managed by CodeBuild. |
EnvironmentLanguage | A set of Docker images that are related by programming language and are managed by CodeBuild. |
EnvironmentPlatform | A set of Docker images that are related by platform and are managed by CodeBuild. |
EnvironmentVariable | Information about an environment variable for a build project or a build. |
ExportedEnvironmentVariable | Contains information about an exported environment variable. |
GetReportGroupTrendInput | |
GetReportGroupTrendOutput | |
GetResourcePolicyInput | |
GetResourcePolicyOutput | |
GitSubmodulesConfig | Information about the Git submodules configuration for an CodeBuild build project. |
ImportSourceCredentialsInput | |
ImportSourceCredentialsOutput | |
InvalidateProjectCacheInput | |
ListBuildBatchesForProjectInput | |
ListBuildBatchesForProjectOutput | |
ListBuildBatchesInput | |
ListBuildBatchesOutput | |
ListBuildsForProjectInput | |
ListBuildsForProjectOutput | |
ListBuildsInput | |
ListBuildsOutput | |
ListCuratedEnvironmentImagesOutput | |
ListProjectsInput | |
ListProjectsOutput | |
ListReportGroupsInput | |
ListReportGroupsOutput | |
ListReportsForReportGroupInput | |
ListReportsForReportGroupOutput | |
ListReportsInput | |
ListReportsOutput | |
ListSharedProjectsInput | |
ListSharedProjectsOutput | |
ListSharedReportGroupsInput | |
ListSharedReportGroupsOutput | |
ListSourceCredentialsOutput | |
LogsConfig | Information about logs for a build project. These can be logs in CloudWatch Logs, built in a specified S3 bucket, or both. |
LogsLocation | Information about build logs in CloudWatch Logs. |
NetworkInterface | Describes a network interface. |
PhaseContext | Additional information about a build phase that has an error. You can use this information for troubleshooting. |
Project | Information about a build project. |
ProjectArtifacts | Information about the build output artifacts for the build project. |
ProjectBadge | Information about the build badge for the build project. |
ProjectBuildBatchConfig | Contains configuration information about a batch build project. |
ProjectCache | Information about the cache for the build project. |
ProjectEnvironment | Information about the build environment of the build project. |
ProjectFileSystemLocation | Information about a file system created by Amazon Elastic File System (EFS). For more information, see What Is Amazon Elastic File System? |
ProjectSource | Information about the build input source code for the build project. |
ProjectSourceVersion | A source identifier and its corresponding version. |
PutResourcePolicyInput | |
PutResourcePolicyOutput | |
RegistryCredential | Information about credentials that provide access to a private Docker registry. When this is set: |
Report | Information about the results from running a series of test cases during the run of a build project. The test cases are specified in the buildspec for the build project using one or more paths to the test case files. You can specify any type of tests you want, such as unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests. |
ReportExportConfig | Information about the location where the run of a report is exported. |
ReportFilter | A filter used to return reports with the status specified by the input |
ReportGroup | A series of reports. Each report contains information about the results from running a series of test cases. You specify the test cases for a report group in the buildspec for a build project using one or more paths to the test case files. |
ReportGroupTrendStats | Contains trend statistics for a set of reports. The actual values depend on the type of trend being collected. For more information, see . |
ReportWithRawData | Contains the unmodified data for the report. For more information, see . |
ResolvedArtifact | Represents a resolved build artifact. A resolved artifact is an artifact that is built and deployed to the destination, such as Amazon S3. |
RetryBuildBatchInput | |
RetryBuildBatchOutput | |
RetryBuildInput | |
RetryBuildOutput | |
S3LogsConfig | Information about S3 logs for a build project. |
S3ReportExportConfig | Information about the S3 bucket where the raw data of a report are exported. |
SourceAuth | Information about the authorization settings for CodeBuild to access the source code to be built. |
SourceCredentialsInfo | Information about the credentials for a GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket repository. |
StartBuildBatchInput | |
StartBuildBatchOutput | |
StartBuildInput | |
StartBuildOutput | |
StopBuildBatchInput | |
StopBuildBatchOutput | |
StopBuildInput | |
StopBuildOutput | |
Tag | A tag, consisting of a key and a value. |
TestCase | Information about a test case created using a framework such as NUnit or Cucumber. A test case might be a unit test or a configuration test. |
TestCaseFilter | A filter used to return specific types of test cases. In order to pass the filter, the report must meet all of the filter properties. |
TestReportSummary | Information about a test report. |
UpdateProjectInput | |
UpdateProjectOutput | |
UpdateProjectVisibilityInput | |
UpdateProjectVisibilityOutput | |
UpdateReportGroupInput | |
UpdateReportGroupOutput | |
UpdateWebhookInput | |
UpdateWebhookOutput | |
VpcConfig | Information about the VPC configuration that CodeBuild accesses. |
Webhook | Information about a webhook that connects repository events to a build project in CodeBuild. |
WebhookFilter | A filter used to determine which webhooks trigger a build. |
ArtifactNamespace | |
ArtifactPackaging | |
ArtifactsType | |
AuthType | |
BatchReportModeType | |
BucketOwnerAccess | Specifies the bucket owner's access for objects that another account uploads to their Amazon S3 bucket. By default, only the account that uploads the objects to the bucket has access to these objects. This property allows you to give the bucket owner access to these objects. |
BuildBatchPhaseType | |
BuildPhaseType | |
CacheMode | |
CacheType | |
ComputeType | |
CredentialProviderType | |
EnvironmentType | |
EnvironmentVariableType | |
FileSystemType | |
ImagePullCredentialsType | |
LanguageType | |
LogsConfigStatusType | |
PlatformType | |
ProjectSortByType | |
ProjectVisibilityType | Specifies the visibility of the project's builds. Possible values are: |
ReportCodeCoverageSortByType | |
ReportExportConfigType | |
ReportGroupSortByType | |
ReportGroupStatusType | |
ReportGroupTrendFieldType | |
ReportPackagingType | |
ReportStatusType | |
ReportType | |
RetryBuildBatchType | |
ServerType | |
SharedResourceSortByType | |
SortOrderType | |
SourceAuthType | |
SourceType | |
StatusType | |
WebhookBuildType | |
WebhookFilterType |