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import * as mod from "https://aws-api.deno.dev/v0.4/services/cloudsearch.ts?docs=full";





The configured access rules for the domain's document and search endpoints, and the current status of those rules.


Synonyms, stopwords, and stemming options for an analysis scheme. Includes tokenization dictionary for Japanese.


Configuration information for an analysis scheme. Each analysis scheme has a unique name and specifies the language of the text to be processed. The following options can be configured for an analysis scheme: Synonyms, Stopwords, StemmingDictionary, JapaneseTokenizationDictionary and AlgorithmicStemming.


The status and configuration of an AnalysisScheme.


The status and configuration of the domain's availability options.


Container for the parameters to the "BuildSuggester" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update.


The result of a BuildSuggester request. Contains a list of the fields used for suggestions.


Container for the parameters to the "CreateDomain" operation. Specifies a name for the new search domain.


The result of a CreateDomainRequest. Contains the status of a newly created domain.


Options for a field that contains an array of dates. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type date-array. All options are enabled by default.


Options for a date field. Dates and times are specified in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) according to IETF RFC3339: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00Z. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type date. All options are enabled by default.


Container for the parameters to the "DefineAnalysisScheme" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the analysis scheme configuration.


The result of a "DefineAnalysisScheme" request. Contains the status of the newly-configured analysis scheme.


Container for the parameters to the "DefineExpression" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the expression you want to configure.


The result of a DefineExpression request. Contains the status of the newly-configured expression.


Container for the parameters to the "DefineIndexField" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the index field configuration.


The result of a "DefineIndexField" request. Contains the status of the newly-configured index field.


Container for the parameters to the "DefineSuggester" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the suggester configuration.


The result of a DefineSuggester request. Contains the status of the newly-configured suggester.


Container for the parameters to the "DeleteAnalysisScheme" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the analysis scheme you want to delete.


The result of a DeleteAnalysisScheme request. Contains the status of the deleted analysis scheme.


Container for the parameters to the "DeleteDomain" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to delete.


The result of a DeleteDomain request. Contains the status of a newly deleted domain, or no status if the domain has already been completely deleted.


Container for the parameters to the "DeleteExpression" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the name of the expression you want to delete.


The result of a "DeleteExpression" request. Specifies the expression being deleted.


Container for the parameters to the "DeleteIndexField" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the name of the index field you want to delete.


The result of a "DeleteIndexField" request.


Container for the parameters to the "DeleteSuggester" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and name of the suggester you want to delete.


The result of a DeleteSuggester request. Contains the status of the deleted suggester.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeAnalysisSchemes" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To limit the response to particular analysis schemes, specify the names of the analysis schemes you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeAnalysisSchemes request. Contains the analysis schemes configured for the domain specified in the request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeAvailabilityOptions" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeAvailabilityOptions request. Indicates whether or not the Multi-AZ option is enabled for the domain specified in the request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeDomainEndpointOptions" operation. Specify the name of the domain you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeDomainEndpointOptions request. Contains the status and configuration of a search domain's endpoint options.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeDomains" operation. By default shows the status of all domains. To restrict the response to particular domains, specify the names of the domains you want to describe.


The result of a DescribeDomains request. Contains the status of the domains specified in the request or all domains owned by the account.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeDomains" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To restrict the response to particular expressions, specify the names of the expressions you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeExpressions request. Contains the expressions configured for the domain specified in the request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeIndexFields" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To restrict the response to particular index fields, specify the names of the index fields you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeIndexFields request. Contains the index fields configured for the domain specified in the request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeScalingParameters" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe.


The result of a DescribeScalingParameters request. Contains the scaling parameters configured for the domain specified in the request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeServiceAccessPolicies" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeServiceAccessPolicies request.


Container for the parameters to the "DescribeSuggester" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to describe. To restrict the response to particular suggesters, specify the names of the suggesters you want to describe. To show the active configuration and exclude any pending changes, set the Deployed option to true.


The result of a DescribeSuggesters request.


Options for a search suggester.


The domain's endpoint options.


The configuration and status of the domain's endpoint options.


The current status of the search domain.


Options for a field that contains an array of double-precision 64-bit floating point values. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type double-array. All options are enabled by default.


Options for a double-precision 64-bit floating point field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type double. All options are enabled by default.


A named expression that can be evaluated at search time. Can be used to sort the search results, define other expressions, or return computed information in the search results.


The value of an Expression and its current status.


Container for the parameters to the "IndexDocuments" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to re-index.


The result of an IndexDocuments request. Contains the status of the indexing operation, including the fields being indexed.


Configuration information for a field in the index, including its name, type, and options. The supported options depend on the "IndexFieldType".


The value of an IndexField and its current status.


Options for a field that contains an array of 64-bit signed integers. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type int-array. All options are enabled by default.


Options for a 64-bit signed integer field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type int. All options are enabled by default.


Options for a latlon field. A latlon field contains a location stored as a latitude and longitude value pair. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type latlon. All options are enabled by default.


The result of a ListDomainNames request. Contains a list of the domains owned by an account.


Options for a field that contains an array of literal strings. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type literal-array. All options are enabled by default.


Options for literal field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type literal. All options are enabled by default.


The status of domain configuration option.


The desired instance type and desired number of replicas of each index partition.


The status and configuration of a search domain's scaling parameters.


The endpoint to which service requests can be submitted.


Configuration information for a search suggester. Each suggester has a unique name and specifies the text field you want to use for suggestions. The following options can be configured for a suggester: FuzzyMatching, SortExpression.


The value of a Suggester and its current status.


Options for a field that contains an array of text strings. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type text-array. A text-array field is always searchable. All options are enabled by default.


Options for text field. Present if IndexFieldType specifies the field is of type text. A text field is always searchable. All options are enabled by default.


Container for the parameters to the "UpdateAvailabilityOptions" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the Multi-AZ availability option.


The result of a UpdateAvailabilityOptions request. Contains the status of the domain's availability options.


Container for the parameters to the "UpdateDomainEndpointOptions" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the domain endpoint options.


The result of a UpdateDomainEndpointOptions request. Contains the configuration and status of the domain's endpoint options.


Container for the parameters to the "UpdateScalingParameters" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the scaling parameters you want to configure.


The result of a UpdateScalingParameters request. Contains the status of the newly-configured scaling parameters.


Container for the parameters to the "UpdateServiceAccessPolicies" operation. Specifies the name of the domain you want to update and the access rules you want to configure.


The result of an UpdateServiceAccessPolicies request. Contains the new access policies.

§Type Aliases


An IETF RFC 4646 language code or mul for multiple languages.


The type of field. The valid options for a field depend on the field type. For more information about the supported field types, see Configuring Index Fields in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.


The state of processing a change to an option. One of:


The instance type (such as search.m1.small) on which an index partition is hosted.


The minimum required TLS version.