Account | The Amazon Chime account details.
An AWS account can have multiple Amazon Chime accounts.
AccountSettings | Settings related to the Amazon Chime account.
This includes settings that start or stop remote control of shared screens, or start or stop the dial-out option in the Amazon Chime web application.
For more information about these settings, see Use the Policies Page in the Amazon Chime Administration Guide.
Address | A validated address.
AlexaForBusinessMetadata | The Alexa for Business metadata associated with an Amazon Chime user, used to integrate Alexa for Business with a device.
AppInstance | The details of an AppInstance , an instance of an Amazon Chime SDK messaging application.
AppInstanceAdmin | The details of an AppInstanceAdmin .
AppInstanceAdminSummary | Summary of the details of an AppInstanceAdmin .
AppInstanceRetentionSettings | The details of the data-retention settings for an AppInstance .
AppInstanceStreamingConfiguration | The details of the streaming configuration of an AppInstance .
AppInstanceSummary | Summary of the data for an AppInstance .
AppInstanceUser | The details of an AppInstanceUser .
AppInstanceUserMembershipSummary | Summary of the membership details of an AppInstanceUser .
AppInstanceUserSummary | Summary of the details of an AppInstanceUser .
ArtifactsConfiguration | The configuration for the artifacts.
AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorGroupResponse | |
AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorRequest | |
AssociatePhoneNumbersWithVoiceConnectorResponse | |
AssociatePhoneNumberWithUserRequest | |
AssociateSigninDelegateGroupsWithAccountRequest | |
Attendee | An Amazon Chime SDK meeting attendee.
Includes a unique AttendeeId and JoinToken .
The JoinToken allows a client to authenticate and join as the specified attendee.
The JoinToken expires when the meeting ends or when "DeleteAttendee" is called.
After that, the attendee is unable to join the meeting.
AudioArtifactsConfiguration | The audio artifact configuration object.
BatchChannelMemberships | The membership information, including member ARNs, the channel ARN, and membership types.
BatchCreateAttendeeRequest | |
BatchCreateAttendeeResponse | |
BatchCreateChannelMembershipError | A list of failed member ARNs, error codes, and error messages.
BatchCreateChannelMembershipRequest | |
BatchCreateChannelMembershipResponse | |
BatchCreateRoomMembershipRequest | |
BatchCreateRoomMembershipResponse | |
BatchDeletePhoneNumberRequest | |
BatchDeletePhoneNumberResponse | |
BatchSuspendUserRequest | |
BatchSuspendUserResponse | |
BatchUnsuspendUserRequest | |
BatchUnsuspendUserResponse | |
BatchUpdatePhoneNumberRequest | |
BatchUpdatePhoneNumberResponse | |
BatchUpdateUserRequest | |
BatchUpdateUserResponse | |
Bot | A resource that allows Enterprise account administrators to configure an interface to receive events from Amazon Chime.
BusinessCallingSettings | The Amazon Chime Business Calling settings for the administrator's AWS account.
Includes any Amazon S3 buckets designated for storing call detail records.
CandidateAddress | A suggested address.
Channel | The details of a channel.
ChannelBan | The details of a channel ban.
ChannelBanSummary | Summary of the details of a ChannelBan .
ChannelMembership | The details of a channel member.
ChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserSummary | Summary of the channel membership details of an AppInstanceUser .
ChannelMembershipSummary | Summary of the details of a ChannelMembership .
ChannelMessage | The details of a message in a channel.
ChannelMessageSummary | Summary of the messages in a Channel .
ChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserSummary | Summary of the details of a moderated channel.
ChannelModerator | The details of a channel moderator.
ChannelModeratorSummary | Summary of the details of a ChannelModerator .
ChannelRetentionSettings | The details of the retention settings for a channel.
ChannelSummary | Summary of the details of a Channel .
ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration | The configuration object of the Amazon Chime SDK meeting for a specified media capture pipeline.
SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting .
ContentArtifactsConfiguration | The content artifact object.
ConversationRetentionSettings | The retention settings that determine how long to retain conversation messages for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
CreateAccountRequest | |
CreateAccountResponse | |
CreateAppInstanceAdminRequest | |
CreateAppInstanceAdminResponse | |
CreateAppInstanceRequest | |
CreateAppInstanceResponse | |
CreateAppInstanceUserRequest | |
CreateAppInstanceUserResponse | |
CreateAttendeeError | The list of errors returned when errors are encountered during the BatchCreateAttendee and CreateAttendee actions.
This includes external user IDs, error codes, and error messages.
CreateAttendeeRequest | |
CreateAttendeeRequestItem | The Amazon Chime SDK attendee fields to create, used with the BatchCreateAttendee action.
CreateAttendeeResponse | |
CreateBotRequest | |
CreateBotResponse | |
CreateChannelBanRequest | |
CreateChannelBanResponse | |
CreateChannelMembershipRequest | |
CreateChannelMembershipResponse | |
CreateChannelModeratorRequest | |
CreateChannelModeratorResponse | |
CreateChannelRequest | |
CreateChannelResponse | |
CreateMediaCapturePipelineRequest | |
CreateMediaCapturePipelineResponse | |
CreateMeetingDialOutRequest | |
CreateMeetingDialOutResponse | |
CreateMeetingRequest | |
CreateMeetingResponse | |
CreateMeetingWithAttendeesRequest | |
CreateMeetingWithAttendeesResponse | |
CreatePhoneNumberOrderRequest | |
CreatePhoneNumberOrderResponse | |
CreateProxySessionRequest | |
CreateProxySessionResponse | |
CreateRoomMembershipRequest | |
CreateRoomMembershipResponse | |
CreateRoomRequest | |
CreateRoomResponse | |
CreateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest | |
CreateSipMediaApplicationCallResponse | |
CreateSipMediaApplicationRequest | |
CreateSipMediaApplicationResponse | |
CreateSipRuleRequest | |
CreateSipRuleResponse | |
CreateUserRequest | |
CreateUserResponse | |
CreateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
CreateVoiceConnectorGroupResponse | |
CreateVoiceConnectorRequest | |
CreateVoiceConnectorResponse | |
Credential | The SIP credentials used to authenticate requests to your Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
DeleteAccountRequest | |
DeleteAppInstanceAdminRequest | |
DeleteAppInstanceRequest | |
DeleteAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest | |
DeleteAppInstanceUserRequest | |
DeleteAttendeeRequest | |
DeleteChannelBanRequest | |
DeleteChannelMembershipRequest | |
DeleteChannelMessageRequest | |
DeleteChannelModeratorRequest | |
DeleteChannelRequest | |
DeleteEventsConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteMediaCapturePipelineRequest | |
DeleteMeetingRequest | |
DeletePhoneNumberRequest | |
DeleteProxySessionRequest | |
DeleteRoomMembershipRequest | |
DeleteRoomRequest | |
DeleteSipMediaApplicationRequest | |
DeleteSipRuleRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorProxyRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest | |
DeleteVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest | |
DescribeAppInstanceAdminRequest | |
DescribeAppInstanceAdminResponse | |
DescribeAppInstanceRequest | |
DescribeAppInstanceResponse | |
DescribeAppInstanceUserRequest | |
DescribeAppInstanceUserResponse | |
DescribeChannelBanRequest | |
DescribeChannelBanResponse | |
DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserRequest | |
DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUserResponse | |
DescribeChannelMembershipRequest | |
DescribeChannelMembershipResponse | |
DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest | |
DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse | |
DescribeChannelModeratorRequest | |
DescribeChannelModeratorResponse | |
DescribeChannelRequest | |
DescribeChannelResponse | |
DisassociatePhoneNumberFromUserRequest | |
DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorGroupResponse | |
DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorRequest | |
DisassociatePhoneNumbersFromVoiceConnectorResponse | |
DisassociateSigninDelegateGroupsFromAccountRequest | |
DNISEmergencyCallingConfiguration | The Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) emergency calling configuration details associated with an Amazon Chime Voice Connector's emergency calling configuration.
EmergencyCallingConfiguration | The emergency calling configuration details associated with an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings | Settings specific to the Amazon Transcribe Medical engine.
EngineTranscribeSettings | Settings specific to the Amazon Transcribe engine.
EventsConfiguration | The configuration that allows a bot to receive outgoing events.
Can be either an HTTPS endpoint or a Lambda function ARN.
GeoMatchParams | The country and area code for a proxy phone number in a proxy phone session.
GetAccountRequest | |
GetAccountResponse | |
GetAccountSettingsRequest | |
GetAccountSettingsResponse | |
GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest | |
GetAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse | |
GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest | |
GetAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponse | |
GetAttendeeRequest | |
GetAttendeeResponse | |
GetBotRequest | |
GetBotResponse | |
GetChannelMessageRequest | |
GetChannelMessageResponse | |
GetEventsConfigurationRequest | |
GetEventsConfigurationResponse | |
GetGlobalSettingsResponse | |
GetMediaCapturePipelineRequest | |
GetMediaCapturePipelineResponse | |
GetMeetingRequest | |
GetMeetingResponse | |
GetMessagingSessionEndpointResponse | |
GetPhoneNumberOrderRequest | |
GetPhoneNumberOrderResponse | |
GetPhoneNumberRequest | |
GetPhoneNumberResponse | |
GetPhoneNumberSettingsResponse | |
GetProxySessionRequest | |
GetProxySessionResponse | |
GetRetentionSettingsRequest | |
GetRetentionSettingsResponse | |
GetRoomRequest | |
GetRoomResponse | |
GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
GetSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponse | |
GetSipMediaApplicationRequest | |
GetSipMediaApplicationResponse | |
GetSipRuleRequest | |
GetSipRuleResponse | |
GetUserRequest | |
GetUserResponse | |
GetUserSettingsRequest | |
GetUserSettingsResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorGroupResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorOriginationResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorProxyRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorProxyResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorTerminationHealthResponse | |
GetVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest | |
GetVoiceConnectorTerminationResponse | |
Identity | The details of a user.
Invite | Invitation object returned after emailing users to invite them to join the Amazon Chime Team account.
InviteUsersRequest | |
InviteUsersResponse | |
ListAccountsRequest | |
ListAccountsResponse | |
ListAppInstanceAdminsRequest | |
ListAppInstanceAdminsResponse | |
ListAppInstancesRequest | |
ListAppInstancesResponse | |
ListAppInstanceUsersRequest | |
ListAppInstanceUsersResponse | |
ListAttendeesRequest | |
ListAttendeesResponse | |
ListAttendeeTagsRequest | |
ListAttendeeTagsResponse | |
ListBotsRequest | |
ListBotsResponse | |
ListChannelBansRequest | |
ListChannelBansResponse | |
ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserRequest | |
ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUserResponse | |
ListChannelMembershipsRequest | |
ListChannelMembershipsResponse | |
ListChannelMessagesRequest | |
ListChannelMessagesResponse | |
ListChannelModeratorsRequest | |
ListChannelModeratorsResponse | |
ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserRequest | |
ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUserResponse | |
ListChannelsRequest | |
ListChannelsResponse | |
ListMediaCapturePipelinesRequest | |
ListMediaCapturePipelinesResponse | |
ListMeetingsRequest | |
ListMeetingsResponse | |
ListMeetingTagsRequest | |
ListMeetingTagsResponse | |
ListPhoneNumberOrdersRequest | |
ListPhoneNumberOrdersResponse | |
ListPhoneNumbersRequest | |
ListPhoneNumbersResponse | |
ListProxySessionsRequest | |
ListProxySessionsResponse | |
ListRoomMembershipsRequest | |
ListRoomMembershipsResponse | |
ListRoomsRequest | |
ListRoomsResponse | |
ListSipMediaApplicationsRequest | |
ListSipMediaApplicationsResponse | |
ListSipRulesRequest | |
ListSipRulesResponse | |
ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesRequest | |
ListSupportedPhoneNumberCountriesResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListUsersRequest | |
ListUsersResponse | |
ListVoiceConnectorGroupsRequest | |
ListVoiceConnectorGroupsResponse | |
ListVoiceConnectorsRequest | |
ListVoiceConnectorsResponse | |
ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest | |
ListVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsResponse | |
LoggingConfiguration | The logging configuration associated with an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
Specifies whether SIP message logs are enabled for sending to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
LogoutUserRequest | |
MediaCapturePipeline | A media capture pipeline object consisting of an ID, source type, source ARN, a sink type, a sink ARN, and a configuration object.
MediaPlacement | A set of endpoints used by clients to connect to the media service group for an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
Meeting | A meeting created using the Amazon Chime SDK.
MeetingNotificationConfiguration | The resource target configurations for receiving Amazon Chime SDK meeting and attendee event notifications.
The Amazon Chime SDK supports resource targets located in the US East (N.
Virginia) AWS Region (us-east-1 ).
Member | The member details, such as email address, name, member ID, and member type.
MemberError | The list of errors returned when a member action results in an error.
MembershipItem | Membership details, such as member ID and member role.
MessagingSessionEndpoint | The websocket endpoint used to connect to Amazon Chime SDK messaging.
OrderedPhoneNumber | A phone number for which an order has been placed.
Origination | Origination settings enable your SIP hosts to receive inbound calls using your Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
OriginationRoute | Origination routes define call distribution properties for your SIP hosts to receive inbound calls using your Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
Limit: Ten origination routes for each Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
Participant | The phone number and proxy phone number for a participant in an Amazon Chime Voice Connector proxy session.
PhoneNumber | A phone number used for Amazon Chime Business Calling or an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
PhoneNumberAssociation | The phone number associations, such as Amazon Chime account ID, Amazon Chime user ID, Amazon Chime Voice Connector ID, or Amazon Chime Voice Connector group ID.
PhoneNumberCapabilities | The phone number capabilities for Amazon Chime Business Calling phone numbers, such as enabled inbound and outbound calling and text messaging.
PhoneNumberCountry | The phone number country.
PhoneNumberError | If the phone number action fails for one or more of the phone numbers in the request, a list of the phone numbers is returned, along with error codes and error messages.
PhoneNumberOrder | The details of a phone number order created for Amazon Chime.
Proxy | The proxy configuration for an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
ProxySession | The proxy session for an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsRequest | |
PutAppInstanceRetentionSettingsResponse | |
PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsRequest | |
PutAppInstanceStreamingConfigurationsResponse | |
PutEventsConfigurationRequest | |
PutEventsConfigurationResponse | |
PutRetentionSettingsRequest | |
PutRetentionSettingsResponse | |
PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
PutSipMediaApplicationLoggingConfigurationResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorEmergencyCallingConfigurationResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorLoggingConfigurationResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorOriginationRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorOriginationResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorProxyRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorProxyResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorStreamingConfigurationResponse | |
PutVoiceConnectorTerminationCredentialsRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorTerminationRequest | |
PutVoiceConnectorTerminationResponse | |
RedactChannelMessageRequest | |
RedactChannelMessageResponse | |
RedactConversationMessageRequest | |
RedactRoomMessageRequest | |
RegenerateSecurityTokenRequest | |
RegenerateSecurityTokenResponse | |
ResetPersonalPINRequest | |
ResetPersonalPINResponse | |
RestorePhoneNumberRequest | |
RestorePhoneNumberResponse | |
RetentionSettings | The retention settings for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account that determine how long to retain items such as chat-room messages and chat-conversation messages.
Room | The Amazon Chime chat room details.
RoomMembership | The room membership details.
RoomRetentionSettings | The retention settings that determine how long to retain chat-room messages for an Amazon Chime Enterprise account.
SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest | |
SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse | |
SelectedVideoStreams | The video streams to capture for a specified media capture pipeline.
The total number of video streams can't exceed 25.
SendChannelMessageRequest | |
SendChannelMessageResponse | |
SigninDelegateGroup | An Active Directory (AD) group whose members are granted permission to act as delegates.
SipMediaApplication | The details of the SIP media application, including name and endpoints.
An AWS account can have multiple SIP media applications.
SipMediaApplicationCall | A Call instance for a SIP media application.
SipMediaApplicationEndpoint | The endpoint assigned to the SIP media application.
SipMediaApplicationLoggingConfiguration | Logging configuration of the SIP media application.
SipRule | The SIP rule details, including name, triggers, and target applications.
An AWS account can have multiple SIP rules.
SipRuleTargetApplication | Target SIP media application and other details, such as priority and AWS Region, to be specified in the SIP rule.
Only one SIP rule per AWS Region can be provided.
SourceConfiguration | Source configuration for a specified media capture pipeline.
StartMeetingTranscriptionRequest | |
StopMeetingTranscriptionRequest | |
StreamingConfiguration | The streaming configuration associated with an Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
Specifies whether media streaming is enabled for sending to Amazon Kinesis, and shows the retention period for the Amazon Kinesis data, in hours.
StreamingNotificationTarget | The targeted recipient for a streaming configuration notification.
Tag | Describes a tag applied to a resource.
TagAttendeeRequest | |
TagMeetingRequest | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TelephonySettings | Settings that allow management of telephony permissions for an Amazon Chime user, such as inbound and outbound calling and text messaging.
Termination | Termination settings enable your SIP hosts to make outbound calls using your Amazon Chime Voice Connector.
TerminationHealth | The termination health details, including the source IP address and timestamp of the last successful SIP OPTIONS message from your SIP infrastructure.
TranscriptionConfiguration | The configuration for the current transcription operation.
Must contain EngineTranscribeSettings or EngineTranscribeMedicalSettings .
UntagAttendeeRequest | |
UntagMeetingRequest | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateAccountRequest | |
UpdateAccountResponse | |
UpdateAccountSettingsRequest | |
UpdateAppInstanceRequest | |
UpdateAppInstanceResponse | |
UpdateAppInstanceUserRequest | |
UpdateAppInstanceUserResponse | |
UpdateBotRequest | |
UpdateBotResponse | |
UpdateChannelMessageRequest | |
UpdateChannelMessageResponse | |
UpdateChannelReadMarkerRequest | |
UpdateChannelReadMarkerResponse | |
UpdateChannelRequest | |
UpdateChannelResponse | |
UpdateGlobalSettingsRequest | |
UpdatePhoneNumberRequest | |
UpdatePhoneNumberRequestItem | The phone number ID, product type, or calling name fields to update, used with the "BatchUpdatePhoneNumber" and "UpdatePhoneNumber" actions.
UpdatePhoneNumberResponse | |
UpdatePhoneNumberSettingsRequest | |
UpdateProxySessionRequest | |
UpdateProxySessionResponse | |
UpdateRoomMembershipRequest | |
UpdateRoomMembershipResponse | |
UpdateRoomRequest | |
UpdateRoomResponse | |
UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallRequest | |
UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallResponse | |
UpdateSipMediaApplicationRequest | |
UpdateSipMediaApplicationResponse | |
UpdateSipRuleRequest | |
UpdateSipRuleResponse | |
UpdateUserRequest | |
UpdateUserRequestItem | The user ID and user fields to update, used with the "BatchUpdateUser" action.
UpdateUserResponse | |
UpdateUserSettingsRequest | |
UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupRequest | |
UpdateVoiceConnectorGroupResponse | |
UpdateVoiceConnectorRequest | |
UpdateVoiceConnectorResponse | |
User | The user on the Amazon Chime account.
UserError | The list of errors returned when errors are encountered during the "BatchSuspendUser", "BatchUnsuspendUser", or "BatchUpdateUser" actions.
This includes user IDs, error codes, and error messages.
UserSettings | Settings associated with an Amazon Chime user, including inbound and outbound calling and text messaging.
ValidateE911AddressRequest | |
ValidateE911AddressResponse | |
VideoArtifactsConfiguration | The video artifact configuration object.
VoiceConnector | The Amazon Chime Voice Connector configuration, including outbound host name and encryption settings.
VoiceConnectorGroup | The Amazon Chime Voice Connector group configuration, including associated Amazon Chime Voice Connectors.
You can include Amazon Chime Voice Connectors from different AWS Regions in your group.
This creates a fault tolerant mechanism for fallback in case of availability events.
VoiceConnectorItem | For Amazon Chime Voice Connector groups, the Amazon Chime Voice Connectors to which to route inbound calls.
Includes priority configuration settings.
Limit: 3 VoiceConnectorItems per Amazon Chime Voice Connector group.
VoiceConnectorSettings | The Amazon Chime Voice Connector settings.
Includes any Amazon S3 buckets designated for storing call detail records.