import * as mod from "";
BackupGateway |
AssociateGatewayToServerInput | |
AssociateGatewayToServerOutput | |
BandwidthRateLimitInterval | Describes a bandwidth rate limit interval for a gateway. A bandwidth rate limit schedule consists of one or more bandwidth rate limit intervals. A bandwidth rate limit interval defines a period of time on one or more days of the week, during which bandwidth rate limits are specified for uploading, downloading, or both. |
CreateGatewayInput | |
CreateGatewayOutput | |
DeleteGatewayInput | |
DeleteGatewayOutput | |
DeleteHypervisorInput | |
DeleteHypervisorOutput | |
DisassociateGatewayFromServerInput | |
DisassociateGatewayFromServerOutput | |
Gateway | A gateway is an Backup Gateway appliance that runs on the customer's network to provide seamless connectivity to backup storage in the Amazon Web Services Cloud. |
GatewayDetails | The details of gateway. |
GetBandwidthRateLimitScheduleInput | |
GetBandwidthRateLimitScheduleOutput | |
GetGatewayInput | |
GetGatewayOutput | |
GetHypervisorInput | |
GetHypervisorOutput | |
GetHypervisorPropertyMappingsInput | |
GetHypervisorPropertyMappingsOutput | |
GetVirtualMachineInput | |
GetVirtualMachineOutput | |
Hypervisor | Represents the hypervisor's permissions to which the gateway will connect. |
HypervisorDetails | These are the details of the specified hypervisor. A hypervisor is hardware, software, or firmware that creates and manages virtual machines, and allocates resources to them. |
ImportHypervisorConfigurationInput | |
ImportHypervisorConfigurationOutput | |
ListGatewaysInput | |
ListGatewaysOutput | |
ListHypervisorsInput | |
ListHypervisorsOutput | |
ListTagsForResourceInput | |
ListTagsForResourceOutput | |
ListVirtualMachinesInput | |
ListVirtualMachinesOutput | |
MaintenanceStartTime | This is your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week. Note that values are in terms of the gateway's time zone. Can be weekly or monthly. |
PutBandwidthRateLimitScheduleInput | |
PutBandwidthRateLimitScheduleOutput | |
PutHypervisorPropertyMappingsInput | |
PutHypervisorPropertyMappingsOutput | |
PutMaintenanceStartTimeInput | |
PutMaintenanceStartTimeOutput | |
StartVirtualMachinesMetadataSyncInput | |
StartVirtualMachinesMetadataSyncOutput | |
Tag | A key-value pair you can use to manage, filter, and search for your resources. Allowed characters include UTF-8 letters, numbers, spaces, and the following characters: + - = . _ : /. |
TagResourceInput | |
TagResourceOutput | |
TestHypervisorConfigurationInput | |
UntagResourceInput | |
UntagResourceOutput | |
UpdateGatewayInformationInput | |
UpdateGatewayInformationOutput | |
UpdateGatewaySoftwareNowInput | |
UpdateGatewaySoftwareNowOutput | |
UpdateHypervisorInput | |
UpdateHypervisorOutput | |
VirtualMachine | A virtual machine that is on a hypervisor. |
VirtualMachineDetails | Your |
VmwareTag | A VMware tag is a tag attached to a specific virtual machine. A tag is a key-value pair you can use to manage, filter, and search for your resources. |
VmwareToAwsTagMapping | This displays the mapping of on-premises VMware tags to the corresponding Amazon Web Services tags. |
GatewayType | |
HypervisorState | |
SyncMetadataStatus |