A fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes.
interface Range extends AbstractRange {
readonly commonAncestorContainer: Node;
readonly END_TO_END: number;
readonly END_TO_START: number;
readonly START_TO_END: number;
readonly START_TO_START: number;
cloneContents(): DocumentFragment;
cloneRange(): Range;
collapse(toStart?: boolean): void;
createContextualFragment(fragment: string): DocumentFragment;
deleteContents(): void;
detach(): void;
extractContents(): DocumentFragment;
getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect;
getClientRects(): DOMRectList;
insertNode(node: Node): void;
intersectsNode(node: Node): boolean;
selectNode(node: Node): void;
selectNodeContents(node: Node): void;
setEndAfter(node: Node): void;
setEndBefore(node: Node): void;
setStartAfter(node: Node): void;
setStartBefore(node: Node): void;
surroundContents(newParent: Node): void;
toString(): string;
}var Range: {
prototype: Range;
readonly END_TO_END: number;
readonly END_TO_START: number;
readonly START_TO_END: number;
readonly START_TO_START: number;
new (): Range;
toString(): string;
cloneContents(): DocumentFragment
createContextualFragment(fragment: string): DocumentFragment
extractContents(): DocumentFragment
getClientRects(): DOMRectList