The state of a DOM event produced by a pointer such as the geometry of the contact point, the device type that generated the event, the amount of pressure that was applied on the contact surface, etc.
interface PointerEvent extends MouseEvent {
readonly height: number;
readonly isPrimary: boolean;
readonly pointerId: number;
readonly pointerType: string;
readonly pressure: number;
readonly tangentialPressure: number;
readonly tiltX: number;
readonly tiltY: number;
readonly twist: number;
readonly width: number;
getCoalescedEvents(): PointerEvent[];
getPredictedEvents(): PointerEvent[];
}var PointerEvent: {
prototype: PointerEvent;
new (type: string, eventInitDict?: PointerEventInit): PointerEvent;
getCoalescedEvents(): PointerEvent[]
[src]Available only in secure contexts.
getPredictedEvents(): PointerEvent[]