deprecatedProvides event properties that are specific to modifications to the Document Object Model (DOM) hierarchy and nodes.
DOM4 [DOM] provides a new mechanism using a MutationObserver interface which addresses the use cases that mutation events solve, but in a more performant manner. Thus, this specification describes mutation events for reference and completeness of legacy behavior, but deprecates the use of the MutationEvent interface.
interface MutationEvent extends Event {
readonly ADDITION: number;
readonly attrChange: number;
readonly attrName: string;
readonly MODIFICATION: number;
readonly newValue: string;
readonly prevValue: string;
readonly relatedNode: Node | null;
readonly REMOVAL: number;
}typeArg: string,
bubblesArg?: boolean,
cancelableArg?: boolean,
relatedNodeArg?: Node | null,
prevValueArg?: string,
newValueArg?: string,
attrNameArg?: string,
attrChangeArg?: number,
): void;var MutationEvent: {
prototype: MutationEvent;
readonly ADDITION: number;
readonly MODIFICATION: number;
readonly REMOVAL: number;
new (): MutationEvent;