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This Intersection Observer API interface describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition.

interface IntersectionObserverEntry {
readonly boundingClientRect: DOMRectReadOnly;
readonly intersectionRatio: number;
readonly intersectionRect: DOMRectReadOnly;
readonly isIntersecting: boolean;
readonly rootBounds: DOMRectReadOnly | null;
readonly target: Element;
readonly time: DOMHighResTimeStamp;
var IntersectionObserverEntry: {
new (intersectionObserverEntryInit: IntersectionObserverEntryInit): IntersectionObserverEntry;


readonly boundingClientRect: DOMRectReadOnly
readonly intersectionRatio: number
readonly intersectionRect: DOMRectReadOnly
readonly isIntersecting: boolean
readonly rootBounds: DOMRectReadOnly | null
readonly target: Element