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A key range can be a single value or a range with upper and lower bounds or endpoints. If the key range has both upper and lower bounds, then it is bounded; if it has no bounds, it is unbounded. A bounded key range can either be open (the endpoints are excluded) or closed (the endpoints are included). To retrieve all keys within a certain range, you can use the following code constructs:

interface IDBKeyRange {
readonly lower: any;
readonly lowerOpen: boolean;
readonly upper: any;
readonly upperOpen: boolean;
includes(key: any): boolean;
var IDBKeyRange: {
prototype: IDBKeyRange;
new (): IDBKeyRange;
lower: any,
upper: any,
lowerOpen?: boolean,
upperOpen?: boolean,
): IDBKeyRange;
lowerBound(lower: any, open?: boolean): IDBKeyRange;
only(value: any): IDBKeyRange;
upperBound(upper: any, open?: boolean): IDBKeyRange;


readonly lower: any

Returns lower bound, or undefined if none.

readonly lowerOpen: boolean

Returns true if the lower open flag is set, and false otherwise.

readonly upper: any

Returns upper bound, or undefined if none.

readonly upperOpen: boolean

Returns true if the upper open flag is set, and false otherwise.


includes(key: any): boolean

Returns true if key is included in the range, and false otherwise.