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import type { Tweet } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/takker99/scrapbox-url-customizer/0.4.3/mod.ts";

The response of https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/tweet-result?id=:tweetId

interface Tweet {
__typename: "Tweet";
card?: Card;
conversation_count: number;
created_at: string;
display_text_range: Indices;
edit_control: Record<string, unknown>;
entities: Entities;
favorite_count: number;
id_str: string;
in_reply_to_screen_name?: string;
in_reply_to_status_id_str?: string;
in_reply_to_user_id_str?: string;
isEdited: boolean;
isStaleEdit: boolean;
lang: string;
mediaDetails?: MediaDetail[];
news_action_type: "covid19" | "conversation";
parent?: RefTweet;
photos?: Photo[];
place?: Place;
possibly_sensitive?: boolean;
quoted_tweet?: RefTweet;
self_thread?: {
id_str: string;
text: string;
user: User;
video?: Video;


__typename: "Tweet"
card?: Card
conversation_count: number

the number of replies

created_at: string
display_text_range: Indices
edit_control: Record<string, unknown>
entities: Entities
favorite_count: number

the number of favorite

id_str: string

the tweet id

in_reply_to_screen_name?: string

the screen name of the user the author reply to

in_reply_to_status_id_str?: string

the id of the tweet the author reply to

in_reply_to_user_id_str?: string

the user id of the user the author reply to

isEdited: boolean
isStaleEdit: boolean
lang: string

the language of the tweet

mediaDetails?: MediaDetail[]
news_action_type: "covid19" | "conversation"
parent?: RefTweet

the tweet to be replied to

photos?: Photo[]
place?: Place
possibly_sensitive?: boolean
quoted_tweet?: RefTweet

the tweet to be quoted

self_thread?: {
id_str: string;
text: string

the tweet content

user: User

the author of the tweet

video?: Video