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class XfaLayer {
static render(parameters: XfaLayerParameters): {
textDivs: Text[];
static setAttributes({ html, element, storage, intent, linkService }: {
html: any;
element: any;
storage?: null | undefined;
intent: any;
linkService: any;
): void;
static setupStorage(
html: any,
id: any,
element: any,
storage: any,
intent: any,
): void;
static update(parameters: XfaLayerParameters): void;

§Static Methods

render(parameters: XfaLayerParameters): {
textDivs: Text[];

Render the XFA layer.

@param parameters
setAttributes({ html, element, storage, intent, linkService }: {
html: any;
element: any;
storage?: null | undefined;
intent: any;
linkService: any;
): void
setupStorage(html: any, id: any, element: any, storage: any, intent: any): void
update(parameters: XfaLayerParameters): void

Update the XFA layer.

@param parameters