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import { OAuthClient } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snsinfu/deno-oauth-1.0a/main/mod.ts";

OAuth 1.0a client.

A client object does not send actual request to a server. Its task is to compute OAuth parameters (or an Authorization header) for you.

class OAuthClient {
constructor(opts: ClientOptions);
private consumer: Token;
private signature: SignatureMethod;
method: string,
url: string,
opts?: SignOptions,
): SignedOAuthParams;


new OAuthClient(opts: ClientOptions)

Constructor sets common parameters for signing requests.

const client = new OAuthClient({
  consumer: { key: "GDTEA1vY", secret: "cE1DdqeY6K35LwDM" },
  signature: HMAC_SHA1,
@param opts.consumer
  • Consumer token (sometimes called app token).
@param opts.signature
  • Signature method to use.


consumer: Token


sign(method: string, url: string, opts?: SignOptions): SignedOAuthParams

Signs a request.

const params = client.sign("GET", "https://api.example.com/profile", {
  token: { key: "spMmUxWb", secret: "SbovVfkxHTwcmupb" },
@param method
  • HTTP method.
@param url
  • URL to request. This may contain query parameters.
@param opts.token
  • Request token (token for an authorized user).
@param opts.params
  • Overriden OAuth parameters. You can set special protocol parameters like oauth_callback or specify oauth_timestamp and oauth_nonce for testing.
@param opts.body
  • Request body to sign. If you will send a form-encoded body, you MUST pass it as a URLSearchParams object; it's signed along with other OAuth parameters as mandated by the standard. Otherwise, you MAY pass a stringified body. Then, the string is hashed and an oauth_body_hash parameter (which is an extension) is added to the signed parameters. Omit this option if you do not want a body hash.

Signed OAuth protocol parameters as a SignedOAuthParams object. The result can be converted to an Authorization header (toAuthHeader), query parameters or form-encoded body (toQueryParams).