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import { Base58 } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marigold-dev/tzstamp/0.3.4/helpers/mod.ts"; 

const { decodeCheck } = Base58;

Decodes and validates a Base58 string with a checksum to a byte array.

Throws ChecksumError if the checksum does not match.

Throws SyntaxError if the input string contains letters not included in the [Base58 Alphabet].

See the Bitcoin source code for the original C++ implementation.

// Uint8Array(4) [ 35, 37, 31, 49 ]

Optionally, a prefix can be specified, which will be separated from the payload after decoding.

Throws PrefixError if the prefix does not match the leading decoded bytes.

  new Uint8Array([ 86, 88, 92, 84 ])
// Uint8Array(4) [ 35, 37, 31, 49 ]
function decodeCheck(string: string, prefix?);
decodeCheck(string: string, prefix?)


string: string

Base58 string to decode

prefix? optional