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Receive metrics from the privileged side of Deno. This is primarily used in the development of Deno. 'Ops', also called 'bindings', are the go-between between Deno JavaScript and Deno Rust.

 > console.table(Deno.metrics())
 │         (index)         │ Values │
 │      opsDispatched      │   3    │
 │    opsDispatchedSync    │   2    │
 │   opsDispatchedAsync    │   1    │
 │ opsDispatchedAsyncUnref │   0    │
 │      opsCompleted       │   3    │
 │    opsCompletedSync     │   2    │
 │    opsCompletedAsync    │   1    │
 │ opsCompletedAsyncUnref  │   0    │
 │    bytesSentControl     │   73   │
 │      bytesSentData      │   0    │
 │      bytesReceived      │  375   │
function metrics(): Metrics;
metrics(): Metrics

§Return Type