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import { Sqlite } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crabmusket/deno_sqlite_plugin/master/src/mod.ts";

This class is intended to be a holder for configuration. At the moment though, there is no configuration! It's just a factory for Connections.

This class does store the IDs of the internal ops used by the library, but that may change in the future. I'm leaving this class as part of the API for now, but it may be removed at some point if it doesn't become useful. This may depend on how Deno's plugin API evolves.

class Sqlite {
_execute: number;
_openConnection: number;
_query: number;
async connect(path: string): Promise<Connection>;


new Sqlite()

No need to pass any arguments yet.


_execute: number
_openConnection: number
_query: number


connect(path: string): Promise<Connection>

Open a connection to a database file. Supports the string ":memory:" for creating temporary in-memory databases. There is no way to save in-memory databases beyond the lifetime of the process.

@param path

Path (relative to the current working dir) to the database file.