import type { Template } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andykais/ffmpeg-templates/main/lib/template_input.ts";
interface Template {
clips: Clip[];
preview?: Timestamp;
size?: {
width?: Pixels | Percentage;
height?: Pixels | Percentage;
relative_to: ClipID;
};timeline?: {};
}[start_position: string]: (ClipID | TimelineEnums)[][];
size?: {
[src]width?: Pixels | Percentage;
height?: Pixels | Percentage;
relative_to: ClipID;
}defaults to { width: '100%', height: '100%', relative_to: 'CLIP_0' }
timeline?: {}
[src][start_position: string]: (ClipID | TimelineEnums)[][];
Specify when clips are played and which should be layered on top of others using this field. The default timeline starts all the clips at the same time. E.g. {"00:00:00": [["CLIP_0", "CLIP_1", ...]]}