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import { swapElements } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hatscat/MetavaScript/main/index.ts";

swap 2 HTML Element positions

// returns "[elementId.outerHTML,$.outerHTML]=[($=ev.target).outerHTML,elementId.outerHTML]"
swapElements("elementId", "ev.target")
function swapElements(
element1: string,
element2: string,
tmpVarName?: string,
): string;
swapElements(element1: string, element2: string, tmpVarName?: string): string


element1: string

a variable name referring to an HTML element, it can be the element ID according to the "Named access on the Window object" rule of the HTML specification.

element2: string

another variable name referring to an HTML element.

tmpVarName?: string optional

§Return Type
