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import { Vault } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/vault:v1.ts";

Retention and eDiscovery for Google Workspace. To work with Vault resources, the account must have the required Vault privileges and access to the matter. To access a matter, the account must have created the matter, have the matter shared with them, or have the View All Matters privilege. For example, to download an export, an account needs the Manage Exports privilege and the matter shared with them.

class Vault {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async mattersAddPermissions(matterId: string, req: AddMatterPermissionsRequest): Promise<MatterPermission>;
async mattersClose(matterId: string, req: CloseMatterRequest): Promise<CloseMatterResponse>;
async mattersCount(matterId: string, req: CountArtifactsRequest): Promise<Operation>;
async mattersCreate(req: Matter): Promise<Matter>;
async mattersDelete(matterId: string): Promise<Matter>;
async mattersExportsCreate(matterId: string, req: Export): Promise<Export>;
async mattersExportsDelete(exportId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Empty>;
async mattersExportsGet(exportId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Export>;
async mattersExportsList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersExportsListOptions): Promise<ListExportsResponse>;
async mattersGet(matterId: string, opts?: MattersGetOptions): Promise<Matter>;
async mattersHoldsAccountsCreate(
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
): Promise<HeldAccount>;
async mattersHoldsAccountsDelete(
accountId: string,
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
): Promise<Empty>;
async mattersHoldsAccountsList(holdId: string, matterId: string): Promise<ListHeldAccountsResponse>;
async mattersHoldsAddHeldAccounts(
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
): Promise<AddHeldAccountsResponse>;
async mattersHoldsCreate(matterId: string, req: Hold): Promise<Hold>;
async mattersHoldsDelete(holdId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Empty>;
async mattersHoldsGet(
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
): Promise<Hold>;
async mattersHoldsList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersHoldsListOptions): Promise<ListHoldsResponse>;
async mattersHoldsRemoveHeldAccounts(
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
): Promise<RemoveHeldAccountsResponse>;
async mattersHoldsUpdate(
holdId: string,
matterId: string,
req: Hold,
): Promise<Hold>;
async mattersList(opts?: MattersListOptions): Promise<ListMattersResponse>;
async mattersRemovePermissions(matterId: string, req: RemoveMatterPermissionsRequest): Promise<Empty>;
async mattersReopen(matterId: string, req: ReopenMatterRequest): Promise<ReopenMatterResponse>;
async mattersSavedQueriesCreate(matterId: string, req: SavedQuery): Promise<SavedQuery>;
async mattersSavedQueriesDelete(matterId: string, savedQueryId: string): Promise<Empty>;
async mattersSavedQueriesGet(matterId: string, savedQueryId: string): Promise<SavedQuery>;
async mattersSavedQueriesList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersSavedQueriesListOptions): Promise<ListSavedQueriesResponse>;
async mattersUndelete(matterId: string, req: UndeleteMatterRequest): Promise<Matter>;
async mattersUpdate(matterId: string, req: Matter): Promise<Matter>;
async operationsCancel(name: string, req: CancelOperationRequest): Promise<Empty>;
async operationsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async operationsGet(name: string): Promise<Operation>;
async operationsList(name: string, opts?: OperationsListOptions): Promise<ListOperationsResponse>;


new Vault(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


mattersAddPermissions(matterId: string, req: AddMatterPermissionsRequest): Promise<MatterPermission>

Adds an account as a matter collaborator.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersClose(matterId: string, req: CloseMatterRequest): Promise<CloseMatterResponse>

Closes the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersCount(matterId: string, req: CountArtifactsRequest): Promise<Operation>

Counts the accounts processed by the specified query.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersCreate(req: Matter): Promise<Matter>

Creates a matter with the given name and description. The initial state is open, and the owner is the method caller. Returns the created matter with default view.

mattersDelete(matterId: string): Promise<Matter>

Deletes the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.

@param matterId

The matter ID

mattersExportsCreate(matterId: string, req: Export): Promise<Export>

Creates an export.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersExportsDelete(exportId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes an export.

@param exportId

The export ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersExportsGet(exportId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Export>

Gets an export.

@param exportId

The export ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersExportsList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersExportsListOptions): Promise<ListExportsResponse>

Lists details about the exports in the specified matter.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersGet(matterId: string, opts?: MattersGetOptions): Promise<Matter>

Gets the specified matter.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsAccountsCreate(holdId: string, matterId: string, req: HeldAccount): Promise<HeldAccount>

Adds an account to a hold. Accounts can be added only to a hold that does not have an organizational unit set. If you try to add an account to an organizational unit-based hold, an error is returned.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsAccountsDelete(accountId: string, holdId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Empty>

Removes an account from a hold.

@param accountId

The ID of the account to remove from the hold.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsAccountsList(holdId: string, matterId: string): Promise<ListHeldAccountsResponse>

Lists the accounts covered by a hold. This can list only individually-specified accounts covered by the hold. If the hold covers an organizational unit, use the Admin SDK. to list the members of the organizational unit on hold.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsAddHeldAccounts(holdId: string, matterId: string, req: AddHeldAccountsRequest): Promise<AddHeldAccountsResponse>

Adds accounts to a hold. Returns a list of accounts that have been successfully added. Accounts can be added only to an existing account-based hold.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsCreate(matterId: string, req: Hold): Promise<Hold>

Creates a hold in the specified matter.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsDelete(holdId: string, matterId: string): Promise<Empty>

Removes the specified hold and releases the accounts or organizational unit covered by the hold. If the data is not preserved by another hold or retention rule, it might be purged.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsGet(holdId: string, matterId: string, opts?: MattersHoldsGetOptions): Promise<Hold>

Gets the specified hold.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersHoldsListOptions): Promise<ListHoldsResponse>

Lists the holds in a matter.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsRemoveHeldAccounts(holdId: string, matterId: string, req: RemoveHeldAccountsRequest): Promise<RemoveHeldAccountsResponse>

Removes the specified accounts from a hold. Returns a list of statuses in the same order as the request.

@param holdId

The hold ID.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersHoldsUpdate(holdId: string, matterId: string, req: Hold): Promise<Hold>

Updates the scope (organizational unit or accounts) and query parameters of a hold. You cannot add accounts to a hold that covers an organizational unit, nor can you add organizational units to a hold that covers individual accounts. If you try, the unsupported values are ignored.

@param holdId

The ID of the hold.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersList(opts?: MattersListOptions): Promise<ListMattersResponse>

Lists matters the requestor has access to.

mattersRemovePermissions(matterId: string, req: RemoveMatterPermissionsRequest): Promise<Empty>

Removes an account as a matter collaborator.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersReopen(matterId: string, req: ReopenMatterRequest): Promise<ReopenMatterResponse>

Reopens the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersSavedQueriesCreate(matterId: string, req: SavedQuery): Promise<SavedQuery>

Creates a saved query.

@param matterId

The ID of the matter to create the saved query in.

mattersSavedQueriesDelete(matterId: string, savedQueryId: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes the specified saved query.

@param matterId

The ID of the matter to delete the saved query from.

@param savedQueryId

ID of the saved query to delete.

mattersSavedQueriesGet(matterId: string, savedQueryId: string): Promise<SavedQuery>

Retrieves the specified saved query.

@param matterId

The ID of the matter to get the saved query from.

@param savedQueryId

ID of the saved query to retrieve.

mattersSavedQueriesList(matterId: string, opts?: MattersSavedQueriesListOptions): Promise<ListSavedQueriesResponse>

Lists the saved queries in a matter.

@param matterId

The ID of the matter to get the saved queries for.

mattersUndelete(matterId: string, req: UndeleteMatterRequest): Promise<Matter>

Undeletes the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

mattersUpdate(matterId: string, req: Matter): Promise<Matter>

Updates the specified matter. This updates only the name and description of the matter, identified by matter ID. Changes to any other fields are ignored. Returns the default view of the matter.

@param matterId

The matter ID.

operationsCancel(name: string, req: CancelOperationRequest): Promise<Empty>

Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED. Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to Code.CANCELLED.

@param name

The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.

operationsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED.

@param name

The name of the operation resource to be deleted.

operationsGet(name: string): Promise<Operation>

Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.

@param name

The name of the operation resource.

operationsList(name: string, opts?: OperationsListOptions): Promise<ListOperationsResponse>

Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns UNIMPLEMENTED.

@param name

The name of the operation's parent resource.