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import type { Violation } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/securityposture:v1.ts";

Details of a violation.

interface Violation {
assetId?: string;
nextSteps?: string;
policyId?: string;
| "HIGH"
| "LOW";
violatedAsset?: AssetDetails;
violatedPolicy?: PolicyDetails;
violatedPosture?: PostureDetails;


assetId?: string

The full resource name of the asset that caused the violation. For details about the format of the full resource name for each asset type, see Resource name format.

nextSteps?: string

A description of the steps that you can take to fix the violation.

policyId?: string

The policy that was violated.


The severity of the violation.

violatedAsset?: AssetDetails

Details of the Cloud Asset Inventory asset that caused the violation.

violatedPolicy?: PolicyDetails

Details of the policy that was violated.

violatedPosture?: PostureDetails

Details for the posture that was violated. This field is present only if the violated policy belongs to a deployed posture.