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import type { OrganizationsLocationsPostureDeploymentsListOptions } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/securityposture:v1.ts";

Additional options for SecurityPosture#organizationsLocationsPostureDeploymentsList.

interface OrganizationsLocationsPostureDeploymentsListOptions {
filter?: string;
pageSize?: number;
pageToken?: string;


filter?: string

Optional. A filter to apply to the list of postures, in the format defined in AIP-160: Filtering.

pageSize?: number

Optional. The maximum number of posture deployments to return. The default value is 500. If you exceed the maximum value of 1000, then the service uses the maximum value.

pageToken?: string

Optional. A pagination token returned from a previous request to list posture deployments. Provide this token to retrieve the next page of results.