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import { SearchConsole } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/searchconsole:v1.ts";

The Search Console API provides access to both Search Console data (verified users only) and to public information on an URL basis (anyone)

class SearchConsole {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async searchanalyticsQuery(siteUrl: string, req: SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest): Promise<SearchAnalyticsQueryResponse>;
async sitemapsDelete(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<void>;
async sitemapsGet(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<WmxSitemap>;
async sitemapsList(siteUrl: string, opts?: SitemapsListOptions): Promise<SitemapsListResponse>;
async sitemapsSubmit(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<void>;
async sitesAdd(siteUrl: string): Promise<void>;
async sitesDelete(siteUrl: string): Promise<void>;
async sitesGet(siteUrl: string): Promise<WmxSite>;
async sitesList(): Promise<SitesListResponse>;
async urlInspectionIndexInspect(req: InspectUrlIndexRequest): Promise<InspectUrlIndexResponse>;
async urlTestingToolsMobileFriendlyTestRun(req: RunMobileFriendlyTestRequest): Promise<RunMobileFriendlyTestResponse>;


new SearchConsole(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


searchanalyticsQuery(siteUrl: string, req: SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest): Promise<SearchAnalyticsQueryResponse>

Query your data with filters and parameters that you define. Returns zero or more rows grouped by the row keys that you define. You must define a date range of one or more days. When date is one of the group by values, any days without data are omitted from the result list. If you need to know which days have data, issue a broad date range query grouped by date for any metric, and see which day rows are returned.

@param siteUrl

The site's URL, including protocol. For example: http://www.example.com/.

sitemapsDelete(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<void>

Deletes a sitemap from the Sitemaps report. Does not stop Google from crawling this sitemap or the URLs that were previously crawled in the deleted sitemap.

@param feedpath

The URL of the actual sitemap. For example: http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml.

@param siteUrl

The site's URL, including protocol. For example: http://www.example.com/.

sitemapsGet(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<WmxSitemap>

Retrieves information about a specific sitemap.

@param feedpath

The URL of the actual sitemap. For example: http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml.

@param siteUrl

The site's URL, including protocol. For example: http://www.example.com/.

sitemapsList(siteUrl: string, opts?: SitemapsListOptions): Promise<SitemapsListResponse>

Lists the sitemaps-entries submitted for this site, or included in the sitemap index file (if sitemapIndex is specified in the request).

@param siteUrl

The site's URL, including protocol. For example: http://www.example.com/.

sitemapsSubmit(feedpath: string, siteUrl: string): Promise<void>

Submits a sitemap for a site.

@param feedpath

The URL of the actual sitemap. For example: http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml.

@param siteUrl

The site's URL, including protocol. For example: http://www.example.com/.

sitesAdd(siteUrl: string): Promise<void>

Adds a site to the set of the user's sites in Search Console.

@param siteUrl

The URL of the site to add.

sitesDelete(siteUrl: string): Promise<void>

Removes a site from the set of the user's Search Console sites.

@param siteUrl

The URI of the property as defined in Search Console. Examples: http://www.example.com/ or sc-domain:example.com.

sitesGet(siteUrl: string): Promise<WmxSite>

Retrieves information about specific site.

@param siteUrl

The URI of the property as defined in Search Console. Examples: http://www.example.com/ or sc-domain:example.com.

sitesList(): Promise<SitesListResponse>

Lists the user's Search Console sites.

urlInspectionIndexInspect(req: InspectUrlIndexRequest): Promise<InspectUrlIndexResponse>

Index inspection.

urlTestingToolsMobileFriendlyTestRun(req: RunMobileFriendlyTestRequest): Promise<RunMobileFriendlyTestResponse>

Runs Mobile-Friendly Test for a given URL.