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import type { PolicyTopicEvidence } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/realtimebidding:v1.ts";

Evidence associated with a policy topic entry.

interface PolicyTopicEvidence {
destinationNotCrawlable?: DestinationNotCrawlableEvidence;
destinationNotWorking?: DestinationNotWorkingEvidence;
destinationUrl?: DestinationUrlEvidence;
domainCall?: DomainCallEvidence;
downloadSize?: DownloadSizeEvidence;
httpCall?: HttpCallEvidence;
httpCookie?: HttpCookieEvidence;


destinationNotCrawlable?: DestinationNotCrawlableEvidence

The creative's destination URL was not crawlable by Google.

destinationNotWorking?: DestinationNotWorkingEvidence

The creative's destination URL did not function properly or was incorrectly set up.


URL of the actual landing page.


Number of HTTP calls made by the creative, broken down by domain.


Total download size and URL-level download size breakdown for resources in a creative.


HTTP calls made by the creative that resulted in policy violations.


Evidence for HTTP cookie-related policy violations.