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import type { Service } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/monitoring:v3.ts";

A Service is a discrete, autonomous, and network-accessible unit, designed to solve an individual concern (Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-orientation)). In Cloud Monitoring, a Service acts as the root resource under which operational aspects of the service are accessible.

interface Service {
appEngine?: AppEngine;
basicService?: BasicService;
cloudEndpoints?: CloudEndpoints;
cloudRun?: CloudRun;
clusterIstio?: ClusterIstio;
custom?: Custom;
displayName?: string;
gkeNamespace?: GkeNamespace;
gkeService?: GkeService;
gkeWorkload?: GkeWorkload;
istioCanonicalService?: IstioCanonicalService;
meshIstio?: MeshIstio;
name?: string;
telemetry?: Telemetry;
userLabels?: {
[key: string]: string;


appEngine?: AppEngine

Type used for App Engine services.

basicService?: BasicService

Message that contains the service type and service labels of this service if it is a basic service. Documentation and examples here (https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/docs/solutions/slo-monitoring/api/api-structures#basic-svc-w-basic-sli).

cloudEndpoints?: CloudEndpoints

Type used for Cloud Endpoints services.

cloudRun?: CloudRun

Type used for Cloud Run services.

clusterIstio?: ClusterIstio

Type used for Istio services that live in a Kubernetes cluster.

custom?: Custom

Custom service type.

displayName?: string

Name used for UI elements listing this Service.

gkeNamespace?: GkeNamespace

Type used for GKE Namespaces.

gkeService?: GkeService

Type used for GKE Services (the Kubernetes concept of a service).

gkeWorkload?: GkeWorkload

Type used for GKE Workloads.

istioCanonicalService?: IstioCanonicalService

Type used for canonical services scoped to an Istio mesh. Metrics for Istio are documented here (https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/metrics/)

meshIstio?: MeshIstio

Type used for Istio services scoped to an Istio mesh.

name?: string

Identifier. Resource name for this Service. The format is: projects/[PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER]/services/[SERVICE_ID]

telemetry?: Telemetry

Configuration for how to query telemetry on a Service.

userLabels?: {
[key: string]: string;

Labels which have been used to annotate the service. Label keys must start with a letter. Label keys and values may contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. Label keys and values have a maximum length of 63 characters, and must be less than 128 bytes in size. Up to 64 label entries may be stored. For labels which do not have a semantic value, the empty string may be supplied for the label value.