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import type { ProductStatusChangeMessage } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/merchantapi:reviews_v1beta.ts";

The message that the merchant will receive to notify about product status change event

interface ProductStatusChangeMessage {
account?: string;
changes?: ProductChange[];
managingAccount?: string;
resource?: string;
resourceId?: string;


account?: string

The target account that owns the entity that changed. Format : accounts/{merchant_id}


The attribute in the resource that changed, in this case it will be always Status.

changes?: ProductChange[]

A message to describe the change that happened to the product

managingAccount?: string

The account that manages the merchant's account. can be the same as merchant id if it is standalone account. Format : accounts/{service_provider_id}

resource?: string

The product name. Format: {product.name=accounts/{account}/products/{product}}

resourceId?: string

The product id.


The resource that changed, in this case it will always be Product.