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import type { MerchantReviewAttributes } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/merchantapi:reviews_v1beta.ts";


interface MerchantReviewAttributes {
content?: string;
isAnonymous?: boolean;
maxRating?: bigint;
merchantDisplayName?: string;
merchantId?: string;
merchantLink?: string;
merchantRatingLink?: string;
minRating?: bigint;
rating?: number;
reviewCountry?: string;
reviewerId?: string;
reviewerUsername?: string;
reviewLanguage?: string;
reviewTime?: Date;
title?: string;



Optional. The method used to collect the review.

content?: string

Required. This should be any freeform text provided by the user and should not be truncated. If multiple responses to different questions are provided, all responses should be included, with the minimal context for the responses to make sense. Context should not be provided if questions were left unanswered.

isAnonymous?: boolean

Optional. Set to true if the reviewer should remain anonymous.

maxRating?: bigint

Optional. The maximum possible number for the rating. The value of the max rating must be greater than the value of the min rating.

merchantDisplayName?: string

Optional. Human-readable display name for the merchant.

merchantId?: string

Required. Must be unique and stable across all requests. In other words, if a request today and another 90 days ago refer to the same merchant, they must have the same id.

minRating?: bigint

Optional. The minimum possible number for the rating. This should be the worst possible rating and should not be a value for no rating.

rating?: number

Optional. The reviewer's overall rating of the merchant.

reviewCountry?: string

Optional. The country where the reviewer made the order defined by ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code.

reviewerId?: string

Optional. A permanent, unique identifier for the author of the review in the publisher's system.

reviewerUsername?: string

Optional. Display name of the review author.

reviewLanguage?: string

Required. The language of the review defined by BCP-47 language code.

reviewTime?: Date

Required. The timestamp indicating when the review was written.

title?: string

Optional. The title of the review.