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import { Keep } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/keep:v1.ts";

The Google Keep API is used in an enterprise environment to manage Google Keep content and resolve issues identified by cloud security software.

class Keep {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async mediaDownload(name: string, opts?: MediaDownloadOptions): Promise<Attachment>;
async notesCreate(req: Note): Promise<Note>;
async notesDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async notesGet(name: string): Promise<Note>;
async notesList(opts?: NotesListOptions): Promise<ListNotesResponse>;
async notesPermissionsBatchCreate(parent: string, req: BatchCreatePermissionsRequest): Promise<BatchCreatePermissionsResponse>;
async notesPermissionsBatchDelete(parent: string, req: BatchDeletePermissionsRequest): Promise<Empty>;


new Keep(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


mediaDownload(name: string, opts?: MediaDownloadOptions): Promise<Attachment>

Gets an attachment. To download attachment media via REST requires the alt=media query parameter. Returns a 400 bad request error if attachment media is not available in the requested MIME type.

@param name

Required. The name of the attachment.

notesCreate(req: Note): Promise<Note>

Creates a new note.

notesDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes a note. Caller must have the OWNER role on the note to delete. Deleting a note removes the resource immediately and cannot be undone. Any collaborators will lose access to the note.

@param name

Required. Name of the note to delete.

notesGet(name: string): Promise<Note>

Gets a note.

@param name

Required. Name of the resource.

notesList(opts?: NotesListOptions): Promise<ListNotesResponse>

Lists notes. Every list call returns a page of results with page_size as the upper bound of returned items. A page_size of zero allows the server to choose the upper bound. The ListNotesResponse contains at most page_size entries. If there are more things left to list, it provides a next_page_token value. (Page tokens are opaque values.) To get the next page of results, copy the result's next_page_token into the next request's page_token. Repeat until the next_page_token returned with a page of results is empty. ListNotes return consistent results in the face of concurrent changes, or signals that it cannot with an ABORTED error.

notesPermissionsBatchCreate(parent: string, req: BatchCreatePermissionsRequest): Promise<BatchCreatePermissionsResponse>

Creates one or more permissions on the note. Only permissions with the WRITER role may be created. If adding any permission fails, then the entire request fails and no changes are made.

@param parent

The parent resource shared by all Permissions being created. Format: notes/{note} If this is set, the parent field in the CreatePermission messages must either be empty or match this field.

notesPermissionsBatchDelete(parent: string, req: BatchDeletePermissionsRequest): Promise<Empty>

Deletes one or more permissions on the note. The specified entities will immediately lose access. A permission with the OWNER role can't be removed. If removing a permission fails, then the entire request fails and no changes are made. Returns a 400 bad request error if a specified permission does not exist on the note.

@param parent

The parent resource shared by all permissions being deleted. Format: notes/{note} If this is set, the parent of all of the permissions specified in the DeletePermissionRequest messages must match this field.