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import { FirebaseDataConnect } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/firebasedataconnect:v1beta.ts";

Firebase Data Connect is a relational database service for mobile and web apps that lets you build and scale using a fully-managed PostgreSQL database powered by Cloud SQL. The REST API lets developers manage the connections to their database, change the schema of their database, and query the database.

class FirebaseDataConnect {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async projectsLocationsGet(name: string): Promise<Location>;
async projectsLocationsList(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsListOptions): Promise<ListLocationsResponse>;
async projectsLocationsOperationsCancel(name: string, req: CancelOperationRequest): Promise<Empty>;
async projectsLocationsOperationsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async projectsLocationsOperationsGet(name: string): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsOperationsList(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsOperationsListOptions): Promise<ListOperationsResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsCreate(
parent: string,
req: Connector,
): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsExecuteMutation(name: string, req: ExecuteMutationRequest): Promise<ExecuteMutationResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsExecuteQuery(name: string, req: ExecuteQueryRequest): Promise<ExecuteQueryResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsGet(name: string): Promise<Connector>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsListOptions): Promise<ListConnectorsResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsPatch(
name: string,
req: Connector,
): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesCreate(
parent: string,
req: Service,
): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesExecuteGraphql(name: string, req: GraphqlRequest): Promise<GraphqlResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesExecuteGraphqlRead(name: string, req: GraphqlRequest): Promise<GraphqlResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesGet(name: string): Promise<Service>;
async projectsLocationsServicesList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesListOptions): Promise<ListServicesResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesPatch(
name: string,
req: Service,
): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesSchemasCreate(
parent: string,
req: Schema,
): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesSchemasDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>;
async projectsLocationsServicesSchemasGet(name: string): Promise<Schema>;
async projectsLocationsServicesSchemasList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasListOptions): Promise<ListSchemasResponse>;
async projectsLocationsServicesSchemasPatch(
name: string,
req: Schema,
): Promise<Operation>;


new FirebaseDataConnect(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


projectsLocationsGet(name: string): Promise<Location>

Gets information about a location.

@param name

Resource name for the location.

projectsLocationsList(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsListOptions): Promise<ListLocationsResponse>

Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

@param name

The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.

projectsLocationsOperationsCancel(name: string, req: CancelOperationRequest): Promise<Empty>

Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED. Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to Code.CANCELLED.

@param name

The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.

projectsLocationsOperationsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED.

@param name

The name of the operation resource to be deleted.

projectsLocationsOperationsGet(name: string): Promise<Operation>

Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.

@param name

The name of the operation resource.

projectsLocationsOperationsList(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsOperationsListOptions): Promise<ListOperationsResponse>

Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns UNIMPLEMENTED.

@param name

The name of the operation's parent resource.

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsCreate(parent: string, req: Connector, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsCreateOptions): Promise<Operation>

Creates a new Connector in a given project and location. The operations are validated against and must be compatible with the active schema. If the operations and schema are not compatible or if the schema is not present, this will result in an error.

@param parent

Required. Value for parent.

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>

Deletes a single Connector.

@param name

Required. The name of the connector to delete, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/connectors/{connector}

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsExecuteMutation(name: string, req: ExecuteMutationRequest): Promise<ExecuteMutationResponse>

Execute a predefined mutation in a Connector.

@param name

Required. The resource name of the connector to find the predefined mutation, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/connectors/{connector}

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsExecuteQuery(name: string, req: ExecuteQueryRequest): Promise<ExecuteQueryResponse>

Execute a predefined query in a Connector.

@param name

Required. The resource name of the connector to find the predefined query, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/connectors/{connector}

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsGet(name: string): Promise<Connector>

Gets details of a single Connector.

@param name

Required. The name of the connector to retrieve, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/connectors/{connector}

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsListOptions): Promise<ListConnectorsResponse>

Lists Connectors in a given project and location.

@param parent

Required. Value of parent.

projectsLocationsServicesConnectorsPatch(name: string, req: Connector, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesConnectorsPatchOptions): Promise<Operation>

Updates the parameters of a single Connector, and creates a new ConnectorRevision with the updated Connector. The operations are validated against and must be compatible with the live schema. If the operations and schema are not compatible or if the schema is not present, this will result in an error.

@param name

Identifier. The relative resource name of the connector, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/connectors/{connector}

projectsLocationsServicesCreate(parent: string, req: Service, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesCreateOptions): Promise<Operation>

Creates a new Service in a given project and location.

@param parent

Required. Value of parent.

projectsLocationsServicesDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>

Deletes a single Service.

@param name

Required. The name of the service to delete, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}

projectsLocationsServicesExecuteGraphql(name: string, req: GraphqlRequest): Promise<GraphqlResponse>

Execute any GraphQL query and mutation against the Firebase Data Connect's generated GraphQL schema. Grants full read and write access to the connected data sources. Note: Use introspection query to explore the generated GraphQL schema.

@param name

Required. The relative resource name of Firebase Data Connect service, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}

projectsLocationsServicesExecuteGraphqlRead(name: string, req: GraphqlRequest): Promise<GraphqlResponse>

Execute any GraphQL query against the Firebase Data Connect's generated GraphQL schema. Grants full read to the connected data sources. ExecuteGraphqlRead is identical to ExecuteGraphql except it only accepts read-only query.

@param name

Required. The relative resource name of Firebase Data Connect service, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}

projectsLocationsServicesGet(name: string): Promise<Service>

Gets details of a single Service.

@param name

Required. The name of the service to retrieve, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}

projectsLocationsServicesList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesListOptions): Promise<ListServicesResponse>

Lists Services in a given project and location.

@param parent

Required. Value of parent.

projectsLocationsServicesPatch(name: string, req: Service, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesPatchOptions): Promise<Operation>

Updates the parameters of a single Service.

@param name

Identifier. The relative resource name of the Firebase Data Connect service, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service} Note that the service ID is specific to Firebase Data Connect and does not correspond to any of the instance IDs of the underlying data source connections.

projectsLocationsServicesSchemasCreate(parent: string, req: Schema, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasCreateOptions): Promise<Operation>

Creates a new Schema in a given project and location. Only creation of schemas/main is supported and calling create with any other schema ID will result in an error.

@param parent

Required. Value for parent.

projectsLocationsServicesSchemasDelete(name: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasDeleteOptions): Promise<Operation>

Deletes a single Schema. Because the schema and connectors must be compatible at all times, if this is called while any connectors are active, this will result in an error.

@param name

Required. The name of the schema to delete, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/schemas/{schema}

projectsLocationsServicesSchemasGet(name: string): Promise<Schema>

Gets details of a single Schema.

@param name

Required. The name of the schema to retrieve, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/schemas/{schema}

projectsLocationsServicesSchemasList(parent: string, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasListOptions): Promise<ListSchemasResponse>

Lists Schemas in a given project and location. Note that only schemas/main is supported, so this will always return at most one Schema.

@param parent

Required. Value of parent.

projectsLocationsServicesSchemasPatch(name: string, req: Schema, opts?: ProjectsLocationsServicesSchemasPatchOptions): Promise<Operation>

Updates the parameters of a single Schema, and creates a new SchemaRevision with the updated Schema.

@param name

Identifier. The relative resource name of the schema, in the format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/services/{service}/schemas/{schema} Right now, the only supported schema is "main".