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import type { FilesListOptions } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/drive:v3.ts";

Additional options for Drive#filesList.

interface FilesListOptions {
corpora?: string;
corpus?: "domain" | "user";
driveId?: string;
includeItemsFromAllDrives?: boolean;
includeLabels?: string;
includePermissionsForView?: string;
includeTeamDriveItems?: boolean;
orderBy?: string;
pageSize?: number;
pageToken?: string;
q?: string;
spaces?: string;
supportsAllDrives?: boolean;
supportsTeamDrives?: boolean;
teamDriveId?: string;


corpora?: string

Bodies of items (files/documents) to which the query applies. Supported bodies are 'user', 'domain', 'drive', and 'allDrives'. Prefer 'user' or 'drive' to 'allDrives' for efficiency. By default, corpora is set to 'user'. However, this can change depending on the filter set through the 'q' parameter.

corpus?: "domain" | "user"

Deprecated: The source of files to list. Use 'corpora' instead.

driveId?: string

ID of the shared drive to search.

includeItemsFromAllDrives?: boolean

Whether both My Drive and shared drive items should be included in results.

includeLabels?: string

A comma-separated list of IDs of labels to include in the labelInfo part of the response.

includePermissionsForView?: string

Specifies which additional view's permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.

includeTeamDriveItems?: boolean

Deprecated: Use includeItemsFromAllDrives instead.

orderBy?: string

A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are: * createdTime: When the file was created. * folder: The folder ID. This field is sorted using alphabetical ordering. * modifiedByMeTime: The last time the file was modified by the user. * modifiedTime: The last time the file was modified by anyone. * name: The name of the file. This field is sorted using alphabetical ordering, so 1, 12, 2, 22. * name_natural: The name of the file. This field is sorted using natural sort ordering, so 1, 2, 12, 22. * quotaBytesUsed: The number of storage quota bytes used by the file. * recency: The most recent timestamp from the file's date-time fields. * sharedWithMeTime: When the file was shared with the user, if applicable.

  • starred: Whether the user has starred the file. * viewedByMeTime: The last time the file was viewed by the user. Each key sorts ascending by default, but can be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedTime desc,name.
pageSize?: number

The maximum number of files to return per page. Partial or empty result pages are possible even before the end of the files list has been reached.

pageToken?: string

The token for continuing a previous list request on the next page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous response.

q?: string

A query for filtering the file results. See the "Search for files & folders" guide for supported syntax.

spaces?: string

A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the corpora. Supported values are 'drive' and 'appDataFolder'.

supportsAllDrives?: boolean

Whether the requesting application supports both My Drives and shared drives.

supportsTeamDrives?: boolean

Deprecated: Use supportsAllDrives instead.

teamDriveId?: string

Deprecated: Use driveId instead.