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import type { GenerateTcpProxyScriptRequest } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/datamigration:v1.ts";

Request message for 'GenerateTcpProxyScript' request.

interface GenerateTcpProxyScriptRequest {
vmMachineType?: string;
vmName?: string;
vmSubnet?: string;
vmZone?: string;


vmMachineType?: string

Required. The type of the Compute instance that will host the proxy.

vmName?: string

Required. The name of the Compute instance that will host the proxy.

vmSubnet?: string

Required. The name of the subnet the Compute instance will use for private connectivity. Must be supplied in the form of projects/{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}. Note: the region for the subnet must match the Compute instance region.

vmZone?: string

Optional. The Google Cloud Platform zone to create the VM in. The fully qualified name of the zone must be specified, including the region name, for example "us-central1-b". If not specified, uses the "-b" zone of the destination Connection Profile's region.