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import type { ConstraintEntity } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/datamigration:v1.ts";

Constraint is not used as an independent entity, it is retrieved as part of another entity such as Table or View.

interface ConstraintEntity {
customFeatures?: {
[key: string]: any;
name?: string;
referenceColumns?: string[];
referenceTable?: string;
tableColumns?: string[];
tableName?: string;
type?: string;


customFeatures?: {
[key: string]: any;

Custom engine specific features.

name?: string

The name of the table constraint.

referenceColumns?: string[]

Reference columns which may be associated with the constraint. For example, if the constraint is a FOREIGN_KEY, this represents the list of full names of referenced columns by the foreign key.

referenceTable?: string

Reference table which may be associated with the constraint. For example, if the constraint is a FOREIGN_KEY, this represents the list of full name of the referenced table by the foreign key.

tableColumns?: string[]

Table columns used as part of the Constraint, for example primary key constraint should list the columns which constitutes the key.

tableName?: string

Table which is associated with the constraint. In case the constraint is defined on a table, this field is left empty as this information is stored in parent_name. However, if constraint is defined on a view, this field stores the table name on which the view is defined.

type?: string

Type of constraint, for example unique, primary key, foreign key (currently only primary key is supported).