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import type { GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1SearchCatalogResult } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/datacatalog:v1.ts";

Result in the response to a search request. Each result captures details of one entry that matches the search.

interface GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1SearchCatalogResult {
description?: string;
displayName?: string;
fullyQualifiedName?: string;
readonly integratedSystem?:
linkedResource?: string;
modifyTime?: Date;
relativeResourceName?: string;
searchResultSubtype?: string;
userSpecifiedSystem?: string;


description?: string

Entry description that can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe entry contents.

displayName?: string

The display name of the result.

fullyQualifiedName?: string

Fully qualified name (FQN) of the resource. FQNs take two forms: * For non-regionalized resources: {SYSTEM}:{PROJECT}.{PATH_TO_RESOURCE_SEPARATED_WITH_DOTS} * For regionalized resources: {SYSTEM}:{PROJECT}.{LOCATION_ID}.{PATH_TO_RESOURCE_SEPARATED_WITH_DOTS} Example for a DPMS table: dataproc_metastore:PROJECT_ID.LOCATION_ID.INSTANCE_ID.DATABASE_ID.TABLE_ID


Output only. The source system that Data Catalog automatically integrates with, such as BigQuery, Cloud Pub/Sub, or Dataproc Metastore.

linkedResource?: string

The full name of the Google Cloud resource the entry belongs to. For more information, see [Full Resource Name] (/apis/design/resource_names#full_resource_name). Example: //bigquery.googleapis.com/projects/PROJECT_ID/datasets/DATASET_ID/tables/TABLE_ID

modifyTime?: Date

The last modification timestamp of the entry in the source system.

relativeResourceName?: string

The relative name of the resource in URL format. Examples: * projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION_ID}/entryGroups/{ENTRY_GROUP_ID}/entries/{ENTRY_ID}

  • projects/{PROJECT_ID}/tagTemplates/{TAG_TEMPLATE_ID}
searchResultSubtype?: string

Sub-type of the search result. A dot-delimited full type of the resource. The same type you specify in the type search predicate. Examples: entry.table, entry.dataStream, tagTemplate.


Type of the search result. You can use this field to determine which get method to call to fetch the full resource.

userSpecifiedSystem?: string

Custom source system that you can manually integrate Data Catalog with.