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import type { Volume } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/books:v1.ts";
interface Volume {
accessInfo?: {
accessViewStatus?: string;
country?: string;
downloadAccess?: DownloadAccessRestriction;
driveImportedContentLink?: string;
embeddable?: boolean;
epub?: {
acsTokenLink?: string;
downloadLink?: string;
isAvailable?: boolean;
explicitOfflineLicenseManagement?: boolean;
pdf?: {
acsTokenLink?: string;
downloadLink?: string;
isAvailable?: boolean;
publicDomain?: boolean;
quoteSharingAllowed?: boolean;
textToSpeechPermission?: string;
viewability?: string;
viewOrderUrl?: string;
webReaderLink?: string;
etag?: string;
id?: string;
kind?: string;
layerInfo?: {
layers?: {
layerId?: string;
volumeAnnotationsVersion?: string;
recommendedInfo?: {
explanation?: string;
saleInfo?: {
buyLink?: string;
country?: string;
isEbook?: boolean;
listPrice?: {
amount?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
offers?: {
finskyOfferType?: number;
giftable?: boolean;
listPrice?: {
amountInMicros?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
rentalDuration?: {
count?: number;
unit?: string;
retailPrice?: {
amountInMicros?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
onSaleDate?: string;
retailPrice?: {
amount?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
saleability?: string;
searchInfo?: {
textSnippet?: string;
selfLink?: string;
userInfo?: {
acquiredTime?: string;
acquisitionType?: number;
copy?: {
allowedCharacterCount?: number;
limitType?: string;
remainingCharacterCount?: number;
updated?: string;
entitlementType?: number;
familySharing?: {
familyRole?: string;
isSharingAllowed?: boolean;
isSharingDisabledByFop?: boolean;
isFamilySharedFromUser?: boolean;
isFamilySharedToUser?: boolean;
isFamilySharingAllowed?: boolean;
isFamilySharingDisabledByFop?: boolean;
isInMyBooks?: boolean;
isPreordered?: boolean;
isPurchased?: boolean;
isUploaded?: boolean;
readingPosition?: ReadingPosition;
rentalPeriod?: {
endUtcSec?: bigint;
startUtcSec?: bigint;
rentalState?: string;
review?: Review;
updated?: string;
userUploadedVolumeInfo?: {
processingState?: string;
volumeInfo?: {
allowAnonLogging?: boolean;
authors?: string[];
averageRating?: number;
canonicalVolumeLink?: string;
categories?: string[];
comicsContent?: boolean;
contentVersion?: string;
description?: string;
dimensions?: {
height?: string;
thickness?: string;
width?: string;
imageLinks?: {
extraLarge?: string;
large?: string;
medium?: string;
small?: string;
smallThumbnail?: string;
thumbnail?: string;
industryIdentifiers?: {
identifier?: string;
type?: string;
infoLink?: string;
language?: string;
mainCategory?: string;
maturityRating?: string;
pageCount?: number;
panelizationSummary?: {
containsEpubBubbles?: boolean;
containsImageBubbles?: boolean;
epubBubbleVersion?: string;
imageBubbleVersion?: string;
previewLink?: string;
printedPageCount?: number;
printType?: string;
publishedDate?: string;
publisher?: string;
ratingsCount?: number;
readingModes?: {
image?: boolean;
text?: boolean;
samplePageCount?: number;
seriesInfo?: Volumeseriesinfo;
subtitle?: string;
title?: string;


accessInfo?: {
accessViewStatus?: string;
country?: string;
downloadAccess?: DownloadAccessRestriction;
driveImportedContentLink?: string;
embeddable?: boolean;
epub?: {
acsTokenLink?: string;
downloadLink?: string;
isAvailable?: boolean;
explicitOfflineLicenseManagement?: boolean;
pdf?: {
acsTokenLink?: string;
downloadLink?: string;
isAvailable?: boolean;
publicDomain?: boolean;
quoteSharingAllowed?: boolean;
textToSpeechPermission?: string;
viewability?: string;
viewOrderUrl?: string;
webReaderLink?: string;

Any information about a volume related to reading or obtaining that volume text. This information can depend on country (books may be public domain in one country but not in another, e.g.).

etag?: string

Opaque identifier for a specific version of a volume resource. (In LITE projection)

id?: string

Unique identifier for a volume. (In LITE projection.)

kind?: string

Resource type for a volume. (In LITE projection.)

layerInfo?: {
layers?: {
layerId?: string;
volumeAnnotationsVersion?: string;

What layers exist in this volume and high level information about them.

recommendedInfo?: {
explanation?: string;

Recommendation related information for this volume.

saleInfo?: {
buyLink?: string;
country?: string;
isEbook?: boolean;
listPrice?: {
amount?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
offers?: {
finskyOfferType?: number;
giftable?: boolean;
listPrice?: {
amountInMicros?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
rentalDuration?: {
count?: number;
unit?: string;
retailPrice?: {
amountInMicros?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
onSaleDate?: string;
retailPrice?: {
amount?: number;
currencyCode?: string;
saleability?: string;

Any information about a volume related to the eBookstore and/or purchaseability. This information can depend on the country where the request originates from (i.e. books may not be for sale in certain countries).

searchInfo?: {
textSnippet?: string;

Search result information related to this volume.

userInfo?: {
acquiredTime?: string;
acquisitionType?: number;
copy?: {
allowedCharacterCount?: number;
limitType?: string;
remainingCharacterCount?: number;
updated?: string;
entitlementType?: number;
familySharing?: {
familyRole?: string;
isSharingAllowed?: boolean;
isSharingDisabledByFop?: boolean;
isFamilySharedFromUser?: boolean;
isFamilySharedToUser?: boolean;
isFamilySharingAllowed?: boolean;
isFamilySharingDisabledByFop?: boolean;
isInMyBooks?: boolean;
isPreordered?: boolean;
isPurchased?: boolean;
isUploaded?: boolean;
readingPosition?: ReadingPosition;
rentalPeriod?: {
endUtcSec?: bigint;
startUtcSec?: bigint;
rentalState?: string;
review?: Review;
updated?: string;
userUploadedVolumeInfo?: {
processingState?: string;

User specific information related to this volume. (e.g. page this user last read or whether they purchased this book)

volumeInfo?: {
allowAnonLogging?: boolean;
authors?: string[];
averageRating?: number;
canonicalVolumeLink?: string;
categories?: string[];
comicsContent?: boolean;
contentVersion?: string;
description?: string;
dimensions?: {
height?: string;
thickness?: string;
width?: string;
imageLinks?: {
extraLarge?: string;
large?: string;
medium?: string;
small?: string;
smallThumbnail?: string;
thumbnail?: string;
industryIdentifiers?: {
identifier?: string;
type?: string;
infoLink?: string;
language?: string;
mainCategory?: string;
maturityRating?: string;
pageCount?: number;
panelizationSummary?: {
containsEpubBubbles?: boolean;
containsImageBubbles?: boolean;
epubBubbleVersion?: string;
imageBubbleVersion?: string;
previewLink?: string;
printedPageCount?: number;
printType?: string;
publishedDate?: string;
publisher?: string;
ratingsCount?: number;
readingModes?: {
image?: boolean;
text?: boolean;
samplePageCount?: number;
seriesInfo?: Volumeseriesinfo;
subtitle?: string;
title?: string;

General volume information.