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import type { MylibraryAnnotationsListOptions } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/books:v1.ts";

Additional options for Books#mylibraryAnnotationsList.

interface MylibraryAnnotationsListOptions {
contentVersion?: string;
layerId?: string;
layerIds?: string;
maxResults?: number;
pageToken?: string;
showDeleted?: boolean;
source?: string;
updatedMax?: string;
updatedMin?: string;
volumeId?: string;


contentVersion?: string

The content version for the requested volume.

layerId?: string

The layer ID to limit annotation by.

layerIds?: string

The layer ID(s) to limit annotation by.

maxResults?: number

Maximum number of results to return

pageToken?: string

The value of the nextToken from the previous page.

showDeleted?: boolean

Set to true to return deleted annotations. updatedMin must be in the request to use this. Defaults to false.

source?: string

String to identify the originator of this request.

updatedMax?: string

RFC 3339 timestamp to restrict to items updated prior to this timestamp (exclusive).

updatedMin?: string

RFC 3339 timestamp to restrict to items updated since this timestamp (inclusive).

volumeId?: string

The volume to restrict annotations to.