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import type { BuyersClientsListOptions } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/authorizedbuyersmarketplace:v1.ts";

Additional options for AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace#buyersClientsList.

interface BuyersClientsListOptions {
filter?: string;
pageSize?: number;
pageToken?: string;


filter?: string

Query string using the Filtering Syntax Supported fields for filtering are: * partnerClientId Use this field to filter the clients by the partnerClientId. For example, if the partnerClientId of the client is "1234", the value of this field should be partnerClientId = "1234", in order to get only the client whose partnerClientId is "1234" in the response.

pageSize?: number

Requested page size. If left blank, a default page size of 500 will be applied.

pageToken?: string

A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of ListClientsResponse.nextPageToken returned from the previous call to the list method.