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import type { HourlyForecast } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/airquality:v1.ts";

Contains the air quality information for each hour in the requested range. For example, if the request is for 48 hours of forecast there will be 48 elements of hourly forecasts.

interface HourlyForecast {
dateTime?: Date;
healthRecommendations?: HealthRecommendations;
indexes?: AirQualityIndex[];
pollutants?: Pollutant[];


dateTime?: Date

A rounded down timestamp indicating the time (hour) the data refers to in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. For example: "2014-10-02T15:00:00Z".

healthRecommendations?: HealthRecommendations

Health advice and recommended actions related to the reported air quality conditions. Recommendations are tailored differently for populations at risk, groups with greater sensitivities to pollutants, and the general population.


Based on the request parameters, this list will include (up to) two air quality indexes: - Universal AQI. Will be returned if the universal_aqi boolean is set to true. - Local AQI. Will be returned if the LOCAL_AQI extra computation is specified.

pollutants?: Pollutant[]

A list of pollutants affecting the location specified in the request. Note: This field will be returned only for requests that specified one or more of the following extra computations: POLLUTANT_ADDITIONAL_INFO, DOMINANT_POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION, POLLUTANT_CONCENTRATION.