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import type { RelativeDateRange } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1.ts";

A relative date range, specified by an offset and a duration. The supported range of dates begins 30 days before today and ends today, for example, the limits for these values are: offset_days >= 0 duration_days >= 1 offset_days

  • duration_days <= 30
interface RelativeDateRange {
durationDays?: number;
offsetDays?: number;


durationDays?: number

The number of days in the requested date range, for example, for a range spanning today: 1. For a range spanning the last 7 days: 7.

offsetDays?: number

The end date of the filter set, specified as the number of days before today, for example, for a range where the last date is today: 0.