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import type { Deal } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1.ts";

A deal represents a segment of inventory for displaying ads on. A proposal can contain multiple deals. A deal contains the terms and targeting information that is used for serving.

interface Deal {
availableEndTime?: Date;
availableStartTime?: Date;
buyerPrivateData?: PrivateData;
createProductId?: string;
createProductRevision?: bigint;
readonly createTime?: Date;
readonly creativeRestrictions?: CreativeRestrictions;
readonly dealId?: string;
readonly dealServingMetadata?: DealServingMetadata;
dealTerms?: DealTerms;
deliveryControl?: DeliveryControl;
description?: string;
displayName?: string;
readonly externalDealId?: string;
readonly isSetupComplete?: boolean;
readonly proposalId?: string;
readonly sellerContacts?: ContactInformation[];
| "GAMES";
readonly targeting?: MarketplaceTargeting;
targetingCriterion?: TargetingCriteria[];
readonly updateTime?: Date;
webPropertyCode?: string;


availableEndTime?: Date

Proposed flight end time of the deal. This will generally be stored in a granularity of a second. A value is not required for Private Auction deals or Preferred Deals.

availableStartTime?: Date

Optional. Proposed flight start time of the deal. This will generally be stored in the granularity of one second since deal serving starts at seconds boundary. Any time specified with more granularity (for example, in milliseconds) will be truncated towards the start of time in seconds.

buyerPrivateData?: PrivateData

Buyer private data (hidden from seller).

createProductId?: string

The product ID from which this deal was created. Note: This field may be set only when creating the resource. Modifying this field while updating the resource will result in an error.

createProductRevision?: bigint

Optional. Revision number of the product that the deal was created from. If present on create, and the server product_revision has advanced since the passed-in create_product_revision, an ABORTED error will be returned. Note: This field may be set only when creating the resource. Modifying this field while updating the resource will result in an error.

readonly createTime?: Date

Output only. The time of the deal creation.


Output only. Specifies the creative pre-approval policy.

readonly creativeRestrictions?: CreativeRestrictions

Output only. Restricitions about the creatives associated with the deal (for example, size) This is available for Programmatic Guaranteed/Preferred Deals in Ad Manager.


Output only. Specifies whether the creative is safeFrame compatible.

readonly dealId?: string

Output only. A unique deal ID for the deal (server-assigned).

readonly dealServingMetadata?: DealServingMetadata

Output only. Metadata about the serving status of this deal.

dealTerms?: DealTerms

The negotiable terms of the deal.

deliveryControl?: DeliveryControl

The set of fields around delivery control that are interesting for a buyer to see but are non-negotiable. These are set by the publisher.

description?: string

Description for the deal terms.

displayName?: string

The name of the deal.

readonly externalDealId?: string

Output only. The external deal ID assigned to this deal once the deal is finalized. This is the deal ID that shows up in serving/reporting etc.

readonly isSetupComplete?: boolean

Output only. True, if the buyside inventory setup is complete for this deal.


Output only. Specifies the creative source for programmatic deals. PUBLISHER means creative is provided by seller and ADVERTISER means creative is provided by buyer.

readonly proposalId?: string

Output only. ID of the proposal that this deal is part of.

readonly sellerContacts?: ContactInformation[]

Output only. Seller contact information for the deal.


The syndication product associated with the deal. Note: This field may be set only when creating the resource. Modifying this field while updating the resource will result in an error.

readonly targeting?: MarketplaceTargeting

Output only. Specifies the subset of inventory targeted by the deal.

targetingCriterion?: TargetingCriteria[]

The shared targeting visible to buyers and sellers. Each shared targeting entity is AND'd together.

readonly updateTime?: Date

Output only. The time when the deal was last updated.

webPropertyCode?: string

The web property code for the seller copied over from the product.