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import { AdExchangeBuyer2 } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1.ts";

Accesses the latest features for managing Authorized Buyers accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.

class AdExchangeBuyer2 {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async accountsClientsCreate(accountId: bigint, req: Client): Promise<Client>;
async accountsClientsGet(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint): Promise<Client>;
async accountsClientsInvitationsCreate(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: bigint,
): Promise<ClientUserInvitation>;
async accountsClientsInvitationsGet(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: bigint,
invitationId: bigint,
): Promise<ClientUserInvitation>;
async accountsClientsInvitationsList(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: string,
): Promise<ListClientUserInvitationsResponse>;
async accountsClientsList(accountId: bigint, opts?: AccountsClientsListOptions): Promise<ListClientsResponse>;
async accountsClientsUpdate(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: bigint,
req: Client,
): Promise<Client>;
async accountsClientsUsersGet(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: bigint,
userId: bigint,
): Promise<ClientUser>;
async accountsClientsUsersList(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: string,
): Promise<ListClientUsersResponse>;
async accountsClientsUsersUpdate(
accountId: bigint,
clientAccountId: bigint,
userId: bigint,
): Promise<ClientUser>;
async accountsCreativesCreate(
accountId: string,
req: Creative,
): Promise<Creative>;
async accountsCreativesDealAssociationsAdd(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
): Promise<Empty>;
async accountsCreativesDealAssociationsList(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
): Promise<ListDealAssociationsResponse>;
async accountsCreativesDealAssociationsRemove(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
): Promise<Empty>;
async accountsCreativesGet(accountId: string, creativeId: string): Promise<Creative>;
async accountsCreativesList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsCreativesListOptions): Promise<ListCreativesResponse>;
async accountsCreativesStopWatching(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
): Promise<Empty>;
async accountsCreativesUpdate(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
req: Creative,
): Promise<Creative>;
async accountsCreativesWatch(
accountId: string,
creativeId: string,
): Promise<Empty>;
async accountsFinalizedProposalsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsFinalizedProposalsListOptions): Promise<ListProposalsResponse>;
async accountsFinalizedProposalsPause(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsFinalizedProposalsResume(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProductsGet(accountId: string, productId: string): Promise<Product>;
async accountsProductsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsProductsListOptions): Promise<ListProductsResponse>;
async accountsProposalsAccept(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsAddNote(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Note>;
async accountsProposalsCancelNegotiation(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsCompleteSetup(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsCreate(accountId: string, req: Proposal): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsGet(accountId: string, proposalId: string): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsProposalsListOptions): Promise<ListProposalsResponse>;
async accountsProposalsPause(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsResume(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsProposalsUpdate(
accountId: string,
proposalId: string,
req: Proposal,
): Promise<Proposal>;
async accountsPublisherProfilesGet(accountId: string, publisherProfileId: string): Promise<PublisherProfile>;
async accountsPublisherProfilesList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsPublisherProfilesListOptions): Promise<ListPublisherProfilesResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsCreate(
ownerName: string,
req: FilterSet,
): Promise<FilterSet>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>;
async biddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsCreate(
ownerName: string,
req: FilterSet,
): Promise<FilterSet>;
async biddersFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>;
async biddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>;
async biddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsCreate(
ownerName: string,
req: FilterSet,
): Promise<FilterSet>;
async buyersFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>;
async buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(
creativeStatusId: number,
filterSetName: string,
): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>;
async buyersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>;
async buyersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>;


new AdExchangeBuyer2(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


accountsClientsCreate(accountId: bigint, req: Client): Promise<Client>

Creates a new client buyer.

@param accountId

Unique numerical account ID for the buyer of which the client buyer is a customer; the sponsor buyer to create a client for. (required)

accountsClientsGet(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint): Promise<Client>

Gets a client buyer with a given client account ID.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer to retrieve. (required)

accountsClientsInvitationsCreate(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint, req: ClientUserInvitation): Promise<ClientUserInvitation>

Creates and sends out an email invitation to access an Ad Exchange client buyer account.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer that the user should be associated with. (required)

accountsClientsInvitationsGet(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint, invitationId: bigint): Promise<ClientUserInvitation>

Retrieves an existing client user invitation.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer that the user invitation to be retrieved is associated with. (required)

@param invitationId

Numerical identifier of the user invitation to retrieve. (required)

accountsClientsInvitationsList(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: string, opts?: AccountsClientsInvitationsListOptions): Promise<ListClientUserInvitationsResponse>

Lists all the client users invitations for a client with a given account ID.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer to list invitations for. (required) You must either specify a string representation of a numerical account identifier or the - character to list all the invitations for all the clients of a given sponsor buyer.

accountsClientsList(accountId: bigint, opts?: AccountsClientsListOptions): Promise<ListClientsResponse>

Lists all the clients for the current sponsor buyer.

@param accountId

Unique numerical account ID of the sponsor buyer to list the clients for.

accountsClientsUpdate(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint, req: Client): Promise<Client>

Updates an existing client buyer.

@param accountId

Unique numerical account ID for the buyer of which the client buyer is a customer; the sponsor buyer to update a client for. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Unique numerical account ID of the client to update. (required)

accountsClientsUsersGet(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint, userId: bigint): Promise<ClientUser>

Retrieves an existing client user.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer that the user to be retrieved is associated with. (required)

@param userId

Numerical identifier of the user to retrieve. (required)

accountsClientsUsersList(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: string, opts?: AccountsClientsUsersListOptions): Promise<ListClientUsersResponse>

Lists all the known client users for a specified sponsor buyer account ID.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the sponsor buyer of the client to list users for. (required)

@param clientAccountId

The account ID of the client buyer to list users for. (required) You must specify either a string representation of a numerical account identifier or the - character to list all the client users for all the clients of a given sponsor buyer.

accountsClientsUsersUpdate(accountId: bigint, clientAccountId: bigint, userId: bigint, req: ClientUser): Promise<ClientUser>

Updates an existing client user. Only the user status can be changed on update.

@param accountId

Numerical account ID of the client's sponsor buyer. (required)

@param clientAccountId

Numerical account ID of the client buyer that the user to be retrieved is associated with. (required)

@param userId

Numerical identifier of the user to retrieve. (required)

accountsCreativesCreate(accountId: string, req: Creative, opts?: AccountsCreativesCreateOptions): Promise<Creative>

Creates a creative.

@param accountId

The account that this creative belongs to. Can be used to filter the response of the creatives.list method.

accountsCreativesDealAssociationsAdd(accountId: string, creativeId: string, req: AddDealAssociationRequest): Promise<Empty>

Associate an existing deal with a creative.

@param accountId

The account the creative belongs to.

@param creativeId

The ID of the creative associated with the deal.

accountsCreativesDealAssociationsList(accountId: string, creativeId: string, opts?: AccountsCreativesDealAssociationsListOptions): Promise<ListDealAssociationsResponse>

List all creative-deal associations.

@param accountId

The account to list the associations from. Specify "-" to list all creatives the current user has access to.

@param creativeId

The creative ID to list the associations from. Specify "-" to list all creatives under the above account.

accountsCreativesDealAssociationsRemove(accountId: string, creativeId: string, req: RemoveDealAssociationRequest): Promise<Empty>

Remove the association between a deal and a creative.

@param accountId

The account the creative belongs to.

@param creativeId

The ID of the creative associated with the deal.

accountsCreativesGet(accountId: string, creativeId: string): Promise<Creative>

Gets a creative.

@param accountId

The account the creative belongs to.

@param creativeId

The ID of the creative to retrieve.

accountsCreativesList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsCreativesListOptions): Promise<ListCreativesResponse>

Lists creatives.

@param accountId

The account to list the creatives from. Specify "-" to list all creatives the current user has access to.

accountsCreativesStopWatching(accountId: string, creativeId: string, req: StopWatchingCreativeRequest): Promise<Empty>

Stops watching a creative. Will stop push notifications being sent to the topics when the creative changes status.

@param accountId

The account of the creative to stop notifications for.

@param creativeId

The creative ID of the creative to stop notifications for. Specify "-" to specify stopping account level notifications.

accountsCreativesUpdate(accountId: string, creativeId: string, req: Creative): Promise<Creative>

Updates a creative.

@param accountId

The account that this creative belongs to. Can be used to filter the response of the creatives.list method.

@param creativeId

The buyer-defined creative ID of this creative. Can be used to filter the response of the creatives.list method.

accountsCreativesWatch(accountId: string, creativeId: string, req: WatchCreativeRequest): Promise<Empty>

Watches a creative. Will result in push notifications being sent to the topic when the creative changes status.

@param accountId

The account of the creative to watch.

@param creativeId

The creative ID to watch for status changes. Specify "-" to watch all creatives under the above account. If both creative-level and account-level notifications are sent, only a single notification will be sent to the creative-level notification topic.

accountsFinalizedProposalsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsFinalizedProposalsListOptions): Promise<ListProposalsResponse>

List finalized proposals, regardless if a proposal is being renegotiated. A filter expression (PQL query) may be specified to filter the results. The notes will not be returned.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

accountsFinalizedProposalsPause(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: PauseProposalDealsRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Update given deals to pause serving. This method will set the DealServingMetadata.DealPauseStatus.has_buyer_paused bit to true for all listed deals in the request. Currently, this method only applies to PG and PD deals. For PA deals, call accounts.proposals.pause endpoint. It is a no-op to pause already-paused deals. It is an error to call PauseProposalDeals for deals which are not part of the proposal of proposal_id or which are not finalized or renegotiating.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The proposal_id of the proposal containing the deals.

accountsFinalizedProposalsResume(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: ResumeProposalDealsRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Update given deals to resume serving. This method will set the DealServingMetadata.DealPauseStatus.has_buyer_paused bit to false for all listed deals in the request. Currently, this method only applies to PG and PD deals. For PA deals, call accounts.proposals.resume endpoint. It is a no-op to resume running deals or deals paused by the other party. It is an error to call ResumeProposalDeals for deals which are not part of the proposal of proposal_id or which are not finalized or renegotiating.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The proposal_id of the proposal containing the deals.

accountsProductsGet(accountId: string, productId: string): Promise<Product>

Gets the requested product by ID.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param productId

The ID for the product to get the head revision for.

accountsProductsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsProductsListOptions): Promise<ListProductsResponse>

List all products visible to the buyer (optionally filtered by the specified PQL query).

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

accountsProposalsAccept(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: AcceptProposalRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Mark the proposal as accepted at the given revision number. If the number does not match the server's revision number an ABORTED error message will be returned. This call updates the proposal_state from PROPOSED to BUYER_ACCEPTED, or from SELLER_ACCEPTED to FINALIZED. Upon calling this endpoint, the buyer implicitly agrees to the terms and conditions optionally set within the proposal by the publisher.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to accept.

accountsProposalsAddNote(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: AddNoteRequest): Promise<Note>

Create a new note and attach it to the proposal. The note is assigned a unique ID by the server. The proposal revision number will not increase when associated with a new note.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to attach the note to.

accountsProposalsCancelNegotiation(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: CancelNegotiationRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Cancel an ongoing negotiation on a proposal. This does not cancel or end serving for the deals if the proposal has been finalized, but only cancels a negotiation unilaterally.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to cancel negotiation for.

accountsProposalsCompleteSetup(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: CompleteSetupRequest): Promise<Proposal>

You can opt-in to manually update proposals to indicate that setup is complete. By default, proposal setup is automatically completed after their deals are finalized. Contact your Technical Account Manager to opt in. Buyers can call this method when the proposal has been finalized, and all the required creatives have been uploaded using the Creatives API. This call updates the is_setup_completed field on the deals in the proposal, and notifies the seller. The server then advances the revision number of the most recent proposal. To mark an individual deal as ready to serve, call buyers.finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe in the Marketplace API.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to mark as setup completed.

accountsProposalsCreate(accountId: string, req: Proposal): Promise<Proposal>

Create the given proposal. Each created proposal and any deals it contains are assigned a unique ID by the server.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

accountsProposalsGet(accountId: string, proposalId: string): Promise<Proposal>

Gets a proposal given its ID. The proposal is returned at its head revision.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The unique ID of the proposal

accountsProposalsList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsProposalsListOptions): Promise<ListProposalsResponse>

List proposals. A filter expression (PQL query) may be specified to filter the results. To retrieve all finalized proposals, regardless if a proposal is being renegotiated, see the FinalizedProposals resource. Note that Bidder/ChildSeat relationships differ from the usual behavior. A Bidder account can only see its child seats' proposals by specifying the ChildSeat's accountId in the request path.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

accountsProposalsPause(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: PauseProposalRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Update the given proposal to pause serving. This method will set the DealServingMetadata.DealPauseStatus.has_buyer_paused bit to true for all deals in the proposal. It is a no-op to pause an already-paused proposal. It is an error to call PauseProposal for a proposal that is not finalized or renegotiating.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to pause.

accountsProposalsResume(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: ResumeProposalRequest): Promise<Proposal>

Update the given proposal to resume serving. This method will set the DealServingMetadata.DealPauseStatus.has_buyer_paused bit to false for all deals in the proposal. Note that if the has_seller_paused bit is also set, serving will not resume until the seller also resumes. It is a no-op to resume an already-running proposal. It is an error to call ResumeProposal for a proposal that is not finalized or renegotiating.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The ID of the proposal to resume.

accountsProposalsUpdate(accountId: string, proposalId: string, req: Proposal): Promise<Proposal>

Update the given proposal at the client known revision number. If the server revision has advanced since the passed-in proposal.proposal_revision, an ABORTED error message will be returned. Only the buyer-modifiable fields of the proposal will be updated. Note that the deals in the proposal will be updated to match the passed-in copy. If a passed-in deal does not have a deal_id, the server will assign a new unique ID and create the deal. If passed-in deal has a deal_id, it will be updated to match the passed-in copy. Any existing deals not present in the passed-in proposal will be deleted. It is an error to pass in a deal with a deal_id not present at head.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param proposalId

The unique ID of the proposal.

accountsPublisherProfilesGet(accountId: string, publisherProfileId: string): Promise<PublisherProfile>

Gets the requested publisher profile by id.

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

@param publisherProfileId

The id for the publisher profile to get.

accountsPublisherProfilesList(accountId: string, opts?: AccountsPublisherProfilesListOptions): Promise<ListPublisherProfilesResponse>

List all publisher profiles visible to the buyer

@param accountId

Account ID of the buyer.

biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of bids.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>

List all errors that occurred in bid responses, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bid responses were considered to have no applicable bids, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsCreate(ownerName: string, req: FilterSet, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsCreateOptions): Promise<FilterSet>

Creates the specified filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter set to be created. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

biddersAccountsFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes the requested filter set from the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource to delete. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>

List all reasons that caused a bid request not to be sent for an impression, with the number of bid requests not sent for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>

List all creatives associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each creative.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by creative. See creative-status-codes.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>

List all details associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each detail.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by detail. See creative-status-codes. Details are only available for statuses 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 86, and 87.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>

Retrieves the requested filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource being requested. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of impressions.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>

Lists all filter sets for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter sets to be listed. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

biddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids lost in the auction, with the number of bids that lost for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersAccountsFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which winning bids were not billable, with the number of bids not billed for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of bids.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>

List all errors that occurred in bid responses, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bid responses were considered to have no applicable bids, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsCreate(ownerName: string, req: FilterSet, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsCreateOptions): Promise<FilterSet>

Creates the specified filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter set to be created. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

biddersFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes the requested filter set from the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource to delete. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>

List all reasons that caused a bid request not to be sent for an impression, with the number of bid requests not sent for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>

List all creatives associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each creative.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by creative. See creative-status-codes.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>

List all details associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each detail.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by detail. See creative-status-codes. Details are only available for statuses 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 86, and 87.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>

Retrieves the requested filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource being requested. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of impressions.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>

Lists all filter sets for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter sets to be listed. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

biddersFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids lost in the auction, with the number of bids that lost for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

biddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BiddersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which winning bids were not billable, with the number of bids not billed for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsBidMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListBidMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of bids.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidResponseErrorsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponseErrorsResponse>

List all errors that occurred in bid responses, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsBidResponsesWithoutBidsListOptions): Promise<ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bid responses were considered to have no applicable bids, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsCreate(ownerName: string, req: FilterSet, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsCreateOptions): Promise<FilterSet>

Creates the specified filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter set to be created. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

buyersFilterSetsDelete(name: string): Promise<Empty>

Deletes the requested filter set from the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource to delete. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidRequestsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse>

List all reasons that caused a bid request not to be sent for an impression, with the number of bid requests not sent for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsCreativesListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse>

List all creatives associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each creative.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by creative. See creative-status-codes.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsList(creativeStatusId: number, filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsDetailsListOptions): Promise<ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse>

List all details associated with a specific reason for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each detail.

@param creativeStatusId

The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by detail. See creative-status-codes. Details are only available for statuses 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 86, and 87.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsFilteredBidsListOptions): Promise<ListFilteredBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsGet(name: string): Promise<FilterSet>

Retrieves the requested filter set for the account with the given account ID.

@param name

Full name of the resource being requested. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsImpressionMetricsListOptions): Promise<ListImpressionMetricsResponse>

Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of impressions.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsList(ownerName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsListOptions): Promise<ListFilterSetsResponse>

Lists all filter sets for the account with the given account ID.

@param ownerName

Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter sets to be listed. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123 - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123 - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456

buyersFilterSetsLosingBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsLosingBidsListOptions): Promise<ListLosingBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which bids lost in the auction, with the number of bids that lost for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc

buyersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsList(filterSetName: string, opts?: BuyersFilterSetsNonBillableWinningBidsListOptions): Promise<ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse>

List all reasons for which winning bids were not billable, with the number of bids not billed for each reason.

@param filterSetName

Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. For example: - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: bidders/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder 123: bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 whose bidder is 123: bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc