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import * as mod from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/acmedns:v1.ts";



Google Domains ACME DNS API that allows users to complete ACME DNS-01 challenges for a domain.






The up-to-date ACME challenge set on a domain for an RPC. This contains all of the ACME TXT records that exist on the domain.


The TXT record message that represents an ACME DNS-01 challenge.


Defines the root interface for all clients that generate credentials for calling Google APIs. All clients should implement this interface.


The request message for the RotateChallenges RPC. Requires an access token, a root domain, and either records_to_add or records_to_remove to be populated. Records may be set for multiple subdomains at once to support SAN requests for multiple subdomains in a single domain. By default, ACME TXT record challenges that are older than 30 days will be removed. Set keep_expired_records to false if this behavior is undesired. There is a record maximum of 100 records per domain including expired records. Any request sent that would exceed this maximum will result in a FAILED_PRECONDITION error. NEXT ID: 6