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import { addToSetup } from "https://garn.io/ts/v0.0.20/environment.ts";

Appends the given bash snippet to the setup of the Environment. The setup will be executed when running things in an environment.

If type is set to "sandboxed", it'll be executed as a setup step for Checks and Packages, but not for Executables and garn enter. If type is set to "unsandboxed", the setup step is going to be executed in all 4 cases.

(Checks and Packages are running in sandboxes to make them completely deterministic. That's why they have to be treated differently here. The most common example for how the Environment for these sandboxes works differently is, that we have to copy the source files into the sandbox, to allow Checks and Packages to access them. Whereas with Executables and garn enter, your source files are already available normally through the file system.)

function addToSetup(
type: "sandboxed" | "unsandboxed",
snippet: string | NixExpression,
): Environment;
addToSetup(type: "sandboxed" | "unsandboxed", env: Environment, snippet: string | NixExpression): Environment


type: "sandboxed" | "unsandboxed"
snippet: string | NixExpression