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import { nix } from "https://garn.io/ts/v0.0.19/mod.ts"; 

const { nixStrLit } = nix;

Returns a NixExpression which represents a Nix string literal, but with all typescript interpolations properly escaped and interpolated.

See also NixStrLitInterpolatable.

function nixStrLit(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable>): NixExpression;
function nixStrLit(s: string): NixExpression;
function nixStrLit(s: TemplateStringsArray | string, ...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable>): NixExpression;
nixStrLit(s: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable>): NixExpression

Returns a NixExpression which represents a Nix string literal, but with all typescript interpolations properly escaped and interpolated.

See also NixStrLitInterpolatable.


s: TemplateStringsArray
...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable> optional
nixStrLit(s: string): NixExpression


s: string
nixStrLit(s: TemplateStringsArray | string, ...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable>): NixExpression


s: TemplateStringsArray | string
...interpolations: Array<NixStrLitInterpolatable> optional