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import { haskell } from "https://garn.io/ts/v0.0.19/mod.ts"; 

const { mkHaskellProject } = haskell;

Creates a haskell-based garn Project.

This will create a Project with

  • a pkg key that builds the entire haskell project (i.e., cabal build);
  • a default shell that provides cabal as well as all Haskell dependencies;
  • one garn executable for each cabal executable in executables.
function mkHaskellProject<Executables extends string>(args: {
description: string;
compiler: string;
executables?: Array<Executables>;
overrideDependencies?: Record<string, string>;
src: string;
): Project & HaskellAddenda & Execs<Executables>;
mkHaskellProject<Executables extends string>(args: {
description: string;
compiler: string;
executables?: Array<Executables>;
overrideDependencies?: Record<string, string>;
src: string;
): Project & HaskellAddenda & Execs<Executables>

§Type Parameters

Executables extends string


args: {
description: string;
compiler: string;
executables?: Array<Executables>;
overrideDependencies?: Record<string, string>;
src: string;

§Return Type

Project & HaskellAddenda & Execs<Executables>