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interface Configuration {
darkMode?: DarkMode;
hash?: Hasher | boolean;
important?: boolean;
| Mode
| "strict"
| "warn"
| "silent";
nonce?: string;
plugins?: Record<string, Plugin | undefined>;
prefix?: Prefixer | boolean;
preflight?: Preflight | boolean | CSSRules;
sheet?: Sheet;
variants?: Record<string, string>;


darkMode?: DarkMode

Determines the dark mode strategy (default: "media").

hash?: Hasher | boolean
important?: boolean

Control whether or not utilities should be marked with !important

mode?: Mode | "strict" | "warn" | "silent"
nonce?: string

Sets a cryptographic nonce (number used once) on the enclosing <style> tag when generating a page on demand.

Useful for enforcing a Content Security Policy (CSP).

plugins?: Record<string, Plugin | undefined>
prefix?: Prefixer | boolean

Auto-prefixer method for CSS property–value pairs.

preflight?: Preflight | boolean | CSSRules

Called right before the first rule is injected.

sheet?: Sheet

Style insertion methodology to be used.

variants?: Record<string, string>
  ':new-variant': '& .selector',