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interface RuleContext <Theme extends {} = {}> {
constructCSS: (body: CSSEntries | CSSObject, overrideSelector?: string) => string;
currentSelector: string;
generator: UnoGenerator;
rawSelector: string;
rules?: Rule[];
shortcuts?: Shortcut[];
theme: Theme;
variantHandlers: VariantHandler[];
variantMatch: VariantMatchedResult;
variants?: Variant[];

§Type Parameters

Theme extends {} = {}


constructCSS: (body: CSSEntries | CSSObject, overrideSelector?: string) => string

Constrcut a custom CSS rule. Variants and selector escaping will be handled automatically.

currentSelector: string

Current selector for rule matching


UnoCSS generator instance

rawSelector: string

Unprocessed selector from user input. Useful for generating CSS rule.

rules?: Rule[]

Available only when details option is enabled.

shortcuts?: Shortcut[]

Available only when details option is enabled.

theme: Theme

The theme object

variantHandlers: VariantHandler[]

Matched variants handlers for this rule.


The result of variant matching.

variants?: Variant[]

Available only when details option is enabled.