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There are several things that positions can be mapped through. Such objects conform to this interface.

interface Mappable {
map: (pos: number, assoc?: number) => number;
mapResult: (pos: number, assoc?: number) => MapResult;


map: (pos: number, assoc?: number) => number

Map a position through this object. When given, assoc (should be -1 or 1, defaults to 1) determines with which side the position is associated, which determines in which direction to move when a chunk of content is inserted at the mapped position.

mapResult: (pos: number, assoc?: number) => MapResult

Map a position, and return an object containing additional information about the mapping. The result's deleted field tells you whether the position was deleted (completely enclosed in a replaced range) during the mapping. When content on only one side is deleted, the position itself is only considered deleted when assoc points in the direction of the deleted content.