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Return the result of transformer with using input as an argument for it if input is not null. Otherwise, return the result of recoverer.

Basically, this operation is a combination mapAsync() and unwrapOrElseAsync().

  • U must not be Nullable<*>.
    • If the result of transformer is null, this throw an Error.
    • If the result of recoverer is null, this throw an Error`.
  • If you'd like to accept Nullable<*> as U, use a combination andThenAsync() and orElseAsync().
function mapOrElseAsyncForNullable<T, U>(
input: Nullable<T>,
recoverer: AsyncRecoveryFn<NotNull<U>>,
transformer: AsyncTransformFn<T, NotNull<U>>,
): Promise<NotNull<U>>;
mapOrElseAsyncForNullable<T, U>(input: Nullable<T>, recoverer: AsyncRecoveryFn<NotNull<U>>, transformer: AsyncTransformFn<T, NotNull<U>>): Promise<NotNull<U>>

§Type Parameters


input: Nullable<T>
recoverer: AsyncRecoveryFn<NotNull<U>>
transformer: AsyncTransformFn<T, NotNull<U>>

§Return Type
