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Options are the same as window.fetch, except for the KyOptions

interface Options extends KyOptions, Omit<RequestInit, "headers"> {
headers?: KyHeadersInit;
method?: LiteralUnion<HttpMethod, string>;


Omit<RequestInit, "headers">


headers?: KyHeadersInit

HTTP headers used to make the request.

You can pass a `Headers` instance or a plain object.

You can remove a header with `.extend()` by passing the header with an `undefined` value.
    import ky from 'ky';

    const url = 'https://sindresorhus.com';

    const original = ky.create({
        headers: {
            rainbow: 'rainbow',
            unicorn: 'unicorn'

    const extended = original.extend({
        headers: {
            rainbow: undefined

    const response = await extended(url).json();

    console.log('rainbow' in response);
    //=> false

    console.log('unicorn' in response);
    //=> true
method?: LiteralUnion<HttpMethod, string>

HTTP method used to make the request.

Internally, the standard methods (`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `HEAD` and `DELETE`) are uppercased in order to avoid server errors due to case sensitivity.